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The honeymoon was over (as much as Junhui didn't want to leave the ship)

They went back to their normal schedules. Wake up, have sex, get ready for work. Lol they wished. What it really was: wake up, complain about it being to early, Wonwoo dragging Junhui out of the bed, getting ready, Junhui somehow finishing earlier than Wonwoo and making breakfast, and then cuddling for five minutes before heading to work. Later in the day, the schedule was come home, say their greetings, eat dinner, and maybe yell at the TV while watching a competitive cooking show.

"Hey, Junnie?"
Wonwoo said before Junhui went on a rant about the show they are currently watching. Jun only responded with a soft mumble once he realized he lost his train of thought.
"I've been meaning to introduce you to my coworkers. That ok?"

Junhui answered, slightly confused.

"Ok good because I already invited them."
Wonwoo laughed.

"What the fuck, Wonwoo."
Junhui smacked Wonwoo but it only made him laugh more. A couple more minutes of yelling at the pre-recorded episode and soon there was a knock at the door.
Wonwoo got up to get it and was greeted by Minghao, Soonyoung, and Seokmin. Junhui stood up from the couch and looked toward the door, trying to tidy himself and make it look like he didn't just get off from a 10 hr shift. Luckily for him, Wonwoo's coworkers seemed to look the same except for Minghao, that fashionable bitch.

"Hi, I'm Kwon Soonyoung."
The smaller one introduced while holding his hand out. Junhui smiled and introduced himself to him. One after another they introduced themselves and Wonwoo stood by the door looking like a proud mother who just introduced her kids to the neighbor's kids.

Junhui offered them dinner and drinks cause he's a nice ass bitch and chatted with Soonyoung while Wonwoo, Seokmin, and Minghao casually chatted ahem shouted ahem about the cooking show that was still going on.

Once it was time for everyone to leave, Junhui gave them some gifts that he for some reason had lying around.
Junhui yelled as they went into their separate vehicles.

Wonwoo closed the door, turned off the TV, and turned to Junhui.

"Wanna fuck?"

Junhui laughed.

The End

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