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"Babe, do you wanna go out today?"
Jun asked after they finished their lunch.

"Why? Did you want something?"

"No, but you've been at college and stuff. You literally got back yesterday so I thought maybe you would like to....unless you want to rest or something."

"Wen Junhui, are you asking me on a date?"


Wonwoo started laughing.
"Wow I've never heard you admit before. I was gone for too long, wasn't I?"

"Too long for my liking. So, yes or no?"

"Yeah, we can go out if you really want."

"Wonwoo, if you don't want to we don't have to."

"I'm conflicted. On one hand, I kinda want to go out and spend time with you but on the other hand I want to stay here and kiss you and cuddle you."

"Which one is it, Wonwoo?"
Jun asked while walking over to him.

"The other hand."
Wonwoo said before grabbing Jun and kissing him.

Jun laughed.
"You've grown soft after college."

"I've missed you so much."

They walked over to the couch to watch movies and cuddle because that what Wonwoo wanted to do and Jun is a good boyfriend.

It was about halfway into the movie until Wonwoo showered Jun with small kisses all around his face. Jun just laughed and let it happen before returning a kiss.

"I love you."
They said simultaneously before laughing and kissing some more.
(A/N: lol this chapter is all fluff isn't it?)

Kind of ironic that they were doing all this in the middle of a horror movie.

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