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Wonwoo left his workplace when his lunchtime came around and pulled out his phone. He changed Jun's contact to: Myjunnie

Mylove: "hey you out of work for lunch yet?"

Myjunnie: "yes just got out."

Mylove: "what are you eating? Are you eating well?"

Myjunnie: "I'm eating the same lunch I packed you."

Mylove: "mmk."
Mylove: "I changed your contact."

Myjunnie: "did you change it to 'thegreatestass'?"

Mylove: "damn I really should have."

Myjunnie: "I'm disappointed."

Mylove: "I changed it to 'Myjunnie'"

Myjunnie: "I'm not longer disappointed."
Myjunnie: "I have to go and get back to work."

Mylove: "so soon?"

Myjunnie: "yeah I know you'll miss me."

Mylove: "damn right."

Myjunnie: "I love you, Wonwoo. I'll make it up to you after work."

Mylove: "you better because now I'm fucking upset."

Myjunnie: "I'll give you cuddles."

Mylove: "and kisses?"

Myjunnie: "you'll have to find out."
Myjunnie: "I have to go. Bye, babe."

Mylove: "bye, baby :("

Wonwoo sighed and put his phone away before taking a sip from his water. He looked around his workplace lunchroom and noticed a man walking towards him.

"Hi! I'm Kwon Soongyoung! I heard you were new here and I wanted to welcome you."

"Ah, thanks. I'm Jeon Wonwoo."

"Wow, I'm surprised you didn't take the job of a model or something."
Soonyoung laughed and Wonwoo joined.

"Well, I know someone who would love it but hate it even more so I decided on a safer route."

"Oh really, who?"

Wonwoo pulled out his phone and showed a picture of Jun. Soonyoung's jaw dropped as he looked at Jun.
"Yeah, he says this is his 'bad side.'"
Wonwoo smiled warmly at the picture of Jun. Soonyoung glanced at Wonwoo and back at the picture.
"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, he's my everything."

"You two should've been a model couple or something."

Myjunnie: "hey, babe, I saw some mail yesterday. Why are model agencies contacting you?"

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