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Jun cooked dinner for Wonwoo and spent lots of time with him.
9:36 pm
"Baby, I have a job interview tomorrow morning."

"So suddenly? You literally just got back."

"Yes, but it's a good job and I really like it and it pays well and I don't know if they'll have another open position soon and..."

"Wonwoo, if you like it go ahead. If you think the job will make you happy. Not happier than I make you."

"Are you kidding me? A job could never rival you."

Jun laughed and kissed Wonwoo's cheek for no reason. But Wonwoo didn't complain.

"So what's knew with you, baby?"
Wonwoo asked while taking a bite of his food.

"Not much. But there's this guy at work who is super nice. I really like working with him."

"Oh yeah?"
Wonwoo asked a little too angrily.

"Yeah, he's great. He really makes me feel safe because he's always helping me with stuff...but-"

Wonwoo sighed loudly.
"Baby, I just got home and you're talking about another guy. Just please shut up."

"...but he's married and he's 67 so there's no need for you to worry."
Jun laughed.

Wonwoo sighed again but this time with a laugh.
"You did that on purpose."

"Maybe I did~"
Jun laughed.
"Did you tell me to shut up?"

"I was angry, baby. I'm sorry."
Wonwoo kissed Jun to apologize.
"But isn't it you're fault for doing that?"

"Are you going to punish me, daddy?"

"Here we are again."

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