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Wonwoo grabbed the bag of groceries from the seat next to him and headed towards Jun's apartment.
He unlocked the door with his spare key and opened the door.
"Honey, I'm home!"
He said in a somewhat amusing tone.

Jun ran to Wonwoo from the kitchen, kissed him on his lips, and ran back to the kitchen.
Wonwoo was dumbfounded and started laughing.
"I cannot deal with your cuteness."
He said while bringing the groceries to the kitchen counter.

Jun said while preparing lunch.

"How are you older than me?"

Jun laughed.
"How was the interview?"

"Very nerve wracking."

Jun walked to Wonwoo and started hugging and kissing him.
Jun pulled away with his arms still around Wonwoo.

"More please."
Wonwoo kissed Jun's lips again.

Jun smiled and smacked Wonwoo's head.
"I'm going back to cooking."

"Did you fuck up during the interview?"

"Yeah, I think I did."


"Cause the guy interviewing me was hot as fuck."

"...oh really?"

"Yeah, definitely."

"That's...fucking great, babe."

"But it was only because I missed you and imagined that the guy was you."

Jun turned around and lightly slapped Wonwoo.
"Why would you do this?"

"You did it to me."
Wonwoo said while grabbing Jun's wrists and pulling him into a multiple kisses.

Jun smiled and finally pulled away to grab their lunch.

"This feels like a movie."

Jun asked while eating some of his lunch."

"I feel way to lucky to have you. Fuck, I love you."

"Isn't this like the 50th time today you've said that to me."

"Say it back."

Jun laughed and kissed him.
"I love you."


"Yeah, whatever. We can have sex today."

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