Once upon a time there was a fake

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I was pretty impressed with myself for getting back at Sabrina in one hour and i felt like I was on a roll today

"Next hour drama" I said to Clar as I looked at my schedule

"Aww...I got math" she said in return

"Well I'll see you at lunch for sure" I said as I walked into drama class

"See ya" she said

"Everyone pick a seat" said the teacher

She was skinny and wore glasses the color that reminded you of puke

I mentally gagged at that thought

The desks were two per desk so I looked around at who was in here so far

Then luckily I found an empty desk in the back right corner of the class and hurried over there quickly

Then the bell rang and the teacher closed the door

Yes I didn't have to sit next to some weirdo who would have a chewed up gum collection in his book

Happened last year

"Okay class this is drama" the teacher said brightly

"In this class we will focus..." she started but was interrupted by a knock at the door

Late on the first day

She walked over to the door and opened it

And you would never believe who it was

Sabrina Conner

I looked down quickly at my notebook and looked out of the top corner of my eye and saw the teacher pointing at me

Sabrina walked over and sat down beside me and started getting all her crap out all over the desk

"Hey can you move that" she said to me not knowing it was me still

"What are you doing this is freaking drama not a beauty salon" I said looking at her

She looked at me

"Oh great" she said rolling her eyes

"What did someone actually speak up to you?" I asked

"No I'm sitting by you" she sneered

"Oh yeah I understand if I make you feel stupid in anyway" I said

"Whatever" she said looking at the teacher

"In this class we will focus on bringing out the inner actor in you along with some vocabulary words to go along with proper stage positions and settings" the teacher finished

"But today since this is all fresh to you I want you and your partner to come up with a five minute script to act out tomorrow" she added

Me and Sabrina looked at each other

"You may begin" said the teacher sitting back down at her desk

"Well I think this story should be about me being the main character and you being a narrator on my life story" Sabrina said

"Oh sure" I said all cheerfully

"I think it should start like Once upon a time there was a fake " I said

"Its about me not you" she said

"Yeah that's the whole reason the word fake is in that sentence" I said

The blind side of thingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon