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We waited for about 5 minutes until the boys came rushing inside the restaurant laughing. I looked over at Lauryn as she gets up with Sierra. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"We're leaving remember. We have work-"

"Who's gonna drive us?" Sofia asked crossing her arms.

Sierra pointed over at the boys and said, "Them"

I rolled my eyes and nodded. They said their goodbyes and the girls and i scooted over for the boys to sit next to us. Cameron sat in front of me, next to Dove. Right next to her is Sofia, who is sitting by the window.

Booboo sat next to me. Zachary is sitting next to him. Next to Zachary is Brenna. She had got up to sit next to him. Dylan sits next Thomas who's at the end. Micthell was here also.

I look around at the boys, "So are you guys ordering something?" I asked.

They all shake their heads except for Dylan. We all laughed and looked over at him. He always ate wherever we go. He's a big fan of food. I mean, aren't we all?

"You always wanna eat" Brenna says as she puts a french frie in her mouth.

"Look who's talking" Dylan rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna go get something to eat"

We all nodded and started chatting.

"So how is everyone's day going?" Sofia asked looking over at the boys.

Thomas shrugged. "Boring i guess. I'm glad you guys called me because i would've been sleeping"

Zachary widen his eyes. "Same!"

"Well i went to visit my mom today" Mitchell said.

"And?" Dove said.

Mitchell continued. "She's sick and i didn't wanna leave her but she begged me to come here"

"Aww, I'm sorry" I grabbed his hands and he smiled.

Everyone looked at us and i slowly pull my hands away and look down embarrassed. After being silent for a whole minute, Brenna spoke up.

"So do you guys know if there's gonna be a third movie?"

I shake my head, "No but i really hope so"

"Same. I'm looking forward to one. I wanna be on set again!" Cameron answered.

"Aww babe. I can't wait to go on set with you" Dove kissed Cameron's cheek as he blushed.

I look over at Booboo and he gave me a fake smile. I grab my burger in front of me and started eating. I didn't wanna say anything because i know it will seem like I'm jealous. But i really am. My feelings for him haven't changed. 

"I'm back! What i miss?" Dylan pushed Thomas and sat down.

Thomas rollled his eyes. "Where's your food?"

"It's not ready" Dylan looked at him. "But meanwhile i had got a digit!" He smiled.

Brenna eyes shot up, "Who's digit?"

"A girl working here. She's so beautiful, man. I love her personality"

"But you don't even know her" Brenna says and i look at her curiously.

"Well, I'm gonna get to know her" Dylan says as a waitress walks up to our table.

"Whatever" She says and look out the window.

"What's your problem?" Booboo asks.

She shakes her head. "Nothing"

I look over at Dylan as he have a conversation with the Waitress and he kept smiling over and over again. I never seen him this happy.

Damn. Brenna likes him?

"I'll see you tomorrow then" the waitress says.

"It's a date then" Dylan says as he shove some food in his mouth.

She smiled, nodded and walked away.

"Damn i see you!" Cameron said and i laughed.

"Smashing hot girls outta nowhere" Mitchell started clapping and the guys all did the same.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay that's enough!"

They stopped and we all laughed. I look over at the paper still in my hand, smiling. It was the number that guy gave me.

"What's that?" Mitchell asked.

I look up at him, "Oh" i look back down at the paper then look up at him again, "I got a digit also"

"From who?" Cameron asked.

I look at him and said, "From this guy working here"

"Oh" he said and i nodded.

Dylan raised his hand up, "We got them digits!"

I gave him a high five, laughed and nodded, "I guess so!"

"Digit gang!" He said.

I shake my head and continue smiling.

"Let's eat!" Zachary said.

We all laughed and continue digging in our food.

in loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon