Epilogue: Another one

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Positive. I went jumping out of our room and speed down the stairs and straight into the living room. The guys all looked at me weirdly. I fixed my shirt and brushed of my skirt.

"Sorry fellas for my awkward entrance." I said before walking up to them sitting on the couch and secret sliding the pregnancy test into his jacket pocket.

They went back to watching their football match as I took his hands and and brought it to the pocket. He looked at me weirdly as his hands slide over the pregnancy test.

He pulled it out of his pocket slowly and looked at and I watched as his face lit up and he jumped out of his sit like really fast causing all the guys to look at him as I laugh.

"She's pregnant! I'm gonna be a daddy again and now I can spoil this little one together with Ari!" He shouted and the guys laughed at him.

"Let's celebrate" one of the guys said disappearing into the kitchen and coming back with a case of beers as I left the living room.

One big happy family.

The End......

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