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Ariella's third birthday

Today is Ariella's third birthday and I'm so excited. We are celebrating our birthday together since mine is tomorrow so its our party. Right now we are going to the store to get stuff to make food and our cake for the party.

We were going to walk into the store but got stopped into our tracks as he opened the door and came out. He eyed Ariella then stared at me.

"Mommy who is he?" She asked.

Way to blow my cover.

"Mommy?" He asked.

"Excuse me" I said as I tried to pass in the side of him with Ariella but he stopped me.

"What does she mean by mommy?" He asked calmly not getting angry because he didn't want to frighten her

"She's my daughter I'm her mother so I'm her mommy. Now will you excuse me" I said.

"So you have been with somebody else and that's why you broke up and just keep pushing me away" he said as he fixed his suit.

"I-um excuse me" I said.

"No" he said pushing me back as I tried to walk pass him.

"Stop it!" Ariella shouted at him.

"Sweetie its okay" I told her.

"Are you going to explain to me how you have a daughter I knew nothing about and how old is she?" He asked.

"She's getting three today" I said.

"THREE?! And I know nothing about her?" He said.

"You no nothing about her because I was to chicken to walk up to your front door and tell you that I was pregnant because I thought you didn't want a child so I hid away from you!" I shouted at him and he looked at me in shock.

"She's my daughter? Why would you even think I'd reject her. I wouldn't want to have kids with anybody else but you. I've missed an entire two years of my daughters life. Don't ever think like that" he said before grabbing me and kissing me.

This time I didn't hold back. I stood there speechless as he tried to speak with Ariella but she just his behind my leg.

"What's her name?" He asked.

"Ariella Loveheart Starline" I said.

"You gave her my surname even when I didn't know anything about her" he said in an impressed voice.

"Ari sweetie this man here is your dad" I said and she smiled at his before slowly moving away from my leg and jumping into his arms.

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