Chapter-6 *Abhor*

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To feel hatred.

Third person's POV-

They ate in silence, she stared at him. He stared at her, the intensity of both the gazes was nowhere same, she stared oat his features, whereas Xavier need not stare at her features, he had already swallowed each and every feature of her, it was like her picture was plastered in his mind.

She opened the box in which she kept the cake, she moved forward, making a movement was very easy to say but when you are sitting on someone's lap, where the smell, or must say the sweet smell of yours was lingering in the air, Amelia made a move and created a motion in the still air, adding more sweetness in the surrounding. Xavier sucked a deep air, he wanted to inhale the particular smell every second.

But as much as the things look good they never are, Xavier was a greedy, selfish but also an aware person who knew that what the scenarios are, if angel and devil collide.

But as we already know, Xavier was greedy, he wanted her, every inch of her, he wanted to keep her, not like he was anyway letting her go, and he wanted to taste her. And what not he wanted to do her, very lost in his own fantasies Xavier forgot, that she was feeding him. If anyone would have asked him, to feed, he must have dragged the person out by collar, mumbling 'do I look like a baby'. But now here he is been feed by the innocent girl like a baby.

Coming back to reality Xavier opened his mouth and with his finger, closed Amelia's mouth, as she was studying him, trying to figure his light colored eyes what they were finding in the space, but Xavier was good here, masking. He love to mask his emotions, before his employees, his rivals. Being a businessman was not an easy task. Quickly recovering from her own fantasies she placed the spoon filled with orange cake in Xavier's mouth, waited for his answer, if not an answer, a compliment, any emotion at least.

The color of his irises swirled, from lighter to softer shades of soft color, but not a compliment, she feed him till the cake finished, disappointed when the cake was finished and still, no hope for a compliment, she started to squirm out of his lap, and that is when Xavier placed his hands on her waist and placing her firmly on his lap, his juices mixed inside him, whereas Amelia's body was already on fire, the places his hands touched, she shivered, and blushed furiously, the butterflies and the tickles were unfamiliar to her, she bit her lip, to stop the juices which were furiously rushing in her veins.

He kissed her nose, very unexpectedly and very surprisingly, she was shocked but very satisfied also, never knew that his single touch could have the capability to set her body on fire. He pulled her to him, and started to draw, unknown patterns on her waist, her face flushed, he placed his lips on her ear.

The very movement was shocking not only Amelia, but also Xavier, he never knew that he was capable of doing these things, his every next step, was taking Amelia to that world where all the things were unknown, but then again, the marriage was too unknown.

"The cake. It was very delicious." He whispered huskily in her ear, she closed her eyes and allowed his every touch to play fire on her skin. But then she was very happy that he complimented.

Taking her earlobe in between his teeth, Xavier licked it, realizing that how sweet she tasted and again drifted to his wild, beasty imaginations. Whereas Amelia was astonished, shocked, flushed, her emotions could not be explained, at least not through words. Could be felt by her only.

The sound of soft pitter-patter started to come from outside and entered a cute Hailey in the room, bouncing her ponies. Her steel grey eyes, glittered. Which she inherited from her mother. And the light colored ones, which Xavier inherited from his father.

"Amy. My baby, how are you?" Hailey asked.

Pulling away from Xavier, she looked at Hailey who stood at the door, muffling her giggles.

Amelia stood up and took little Hailey in her arms and swiftly settled her on her hips.

Kissing her nose, Amelia giggled, along with the little Hailey.

Whereas Xavier looked at Amelia and wondered her with their own child. The chain of his family's thought was broken by a whining Hailey.

"I want cake too, you have to make it for me. Now." Hailey ordered. Amelia mocked a salute, which brought a small yet a smile on Xavier's face.

"So shall we go mam?" Amelia asked. To which Hailey replied nodding vigorously.

Amelia looked at Xavier. Xavier crossed his legs and spread his arms on the couch. And gave a curt nod.

"Thank you Xavi." Hailey chirped.

Before Amelia could get out of the door, the chaos could be heard. The strong sickly sweet smell could be smelled in the air, Xavier groaned and leaned on the couch. He knew that the smell could be one of the model's he dated back.

"What the hell, you can't stop me you get it!" a high pitched voice snapped at someone.

The redhead entered the room with a skimpy dress, showing her curves. But not at all covering.

When she looked at Amelia right after bursting through the door, she made a face of disgust.

"A beggar. Xavier baby, how could you allow a beggar in here." She said pointing towards Amelia. Being a very fragile and innocent Amelia she hid behind the small figure of Hailey.

Xavier groaned. And hissed at her.

"Shut of, and don't ever call her a beggar, you get that. You sick bitch."

Amelia shifted from one leg to another. And covered Hailey's as well as her own ears.

Getting the uncomfortable state of Amelia, Hailey shouted.

"Shut up. You dumb bimbo, she is Xavi's wife." Xavier smirked at the outburst of his sister.

He was proud at her.

Amelia shushed Hailey and let her stand on her own, where Hailey joined Xavier.

Red, red was all could the redhead see. Her hateful gaze settled on Amelia.

Amelia shifted her gaze from front to the ground and made patterns on the ground with the tip of her heels. She felt abhorred.

With a large sigh of rage the redhead lunged towards Amelia.

Like and love have a vast difference between them, someone said that if you like a flower, you will pluck it, but if you love the flower you will water it every day, protect it from storms and every creature who, tries to harm it. And Xavier was not gonna let anyone harm that flower whom he placed in the category of love.








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