Chapter-2 *BEAST*

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A person who is brutal, vile, heartless , merciless etc.

Third person's POV.-

A day for a man whose life consist of nothing else but mere playboy ways, and full day work would not be much hard to guess what he would be doing right now.

"Bring all the files in my office right now." He commanded the already sweating assistant of his.

"On the way.... sir." He said stuttering.

The only thing that the business tycoon, the most eligible bachelor in whole New York doesn't like is stuttering.

An 25 year old young man with sharp features that can make your knees buckle, with a sharp jaw, perfect arched brows, dark hair, tanned skin and heavenly built body.

"Mister Smith, what did I told you about stuttering?" Xavier asked his voice screaming a dark aura, although he wasn't any mafia leader or something but being the CEO of a very big empire he got it automatically. His expression harden, he doesn't like people who lacks confidence, and he already had fired three assistants in this month because they stuttered during a meeting, obviously due to fear.

"Not to stutter." He replied clearing his throat to get a better voice, but failed miserably.

Xavier leaned back on his chair and lazily, yet mysteriously, twirled his pen in his two fingers.

"Then it would be a shame to tell you that Smith. You are fired." He said his voice calm and collected and without stutter like he was telling 'hey look today's weather is so good, right pal.'

But this was already a scary statement for the man standing before Xavier.

"Excuse me sir." The man said in utter confusion.

One more thing Xavier hates was to repeat himself. And the man clearly asked for a repetition, making his anger on the top floor.

He threw the pen across the room and stood up, just stood up and the poor man was already pissing in his pants.

"I. said. You. Are. Fired." Xavier said again in a calm tone. But before the dumb man could question further he added.

"I don't want to repeat myself Smith, now out." He ordered the man and sat back at the chair, the man knew Xavier as a cold business man and knew his anger perks, and after visually gulping, obviously seen by Xavier, he scurried out of the room.

Xavier smirked in victory looking at the horrified expression of the man, but sighed heavily when realized that he have to now look for a new assistant.

Suddenly the door burst opened and a soft of pitter-patter of footsteps was heard.

Instantly bringing smile onto the face of the one and only, Xavier Sinclair.

Who knew he could smile, at least not the one who was packing his full stuff in a hurry outside the door.

"Xavi." The girl was about four and half years, she was a full blood sibling of his, he never thought of having a mother pregnant when he was in his college year but nonetheless, he was happy and thankful to his mother, to bring such an angel in his life.

"Hailey! My baby what are you doing here?" he asked the girl softly, almost cooing, as the girl had already settled herself on her brother's lap not tugging his sleeves to get his extra attention towards her small hands.

Obviously she was having his full attention and this is what she always want from everyone.

But today the girl had come up with an another thing on which she wanted Xavier's attention, she stretched her small hands towards Xavier, handing him a envelop she jumped off his lap and the little naughty girl climbed the chair in front of his desk and then jumped onto the desk, swinging her ponies and her sundress getting crumpled under her, not having a single drop of Xavier's attention, because Xavier's full attention was devoted on the envelop in his hands.

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