Jack (1)

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"Let's stop!" Ray called, using the iconic line to end yet another death-filled Let's Play. Everyone closed the game and ended their captures, talking jokingly about the funniest parts of the playthrough.

"You fuckin' nailed the landing, too," Gavin told Michael. "I thought you'd be too far ahead, but you landed smack in the middle of your spot, boy!"

"I honestly thought I would go way too far and die," Michael admitted, and he, Gavin, Ray, Ryan, and Geoff laughed.

Jack stretched, mind racing with a million things. He was more focused on what was to be happening that night than on the game, whih had, annoyingly, caused him to miss a few things, but no one seemed to care all too much.

"So, how's the wife?" Geoff asked, snapping Jack out of his thoughts. "It's been forever since we saw her."

The other guys muttered their agreements, suddenly more interested in Jack's love life than the game.

"She's doing great, actually," he answered, smiling. "In fact, she wants to know if you guys would come to our place for dinner!"

"What's the occasion?" Ryan pondered. "As far as I know, it's not an anniversary or birthday today."

"Well, she was rummaging around the other day, and she found her old cookbook - the one she thought was, like, gone forever!" We all laughed for a moment. "Anyways, she remembered you guys loved her old Sloppy Joes, and she now has the recipe for them."

"Well, since the Sloppy Joes are in, I can't say no," Ray laughed. The others came to a mutual consensus - dinner party at Jack and (YN)'s place!


"You're sure they didn't suspect?" (YN) asked her husband for the millionth time. "Surely, they know it's not just for food."

"They don't know what's going on," Jack assured her, holding her arms. "Even if they know it's not about food, they think it's some kind of anniversary or something like that."

She shook her head, and Jack buried his face in her neck. "Jack! Your beard tickles!"

The man chuckled mishceviously, shaking his head and running his scruff on her neck, causing her to laugh even more.

"Jack, please! Mercy!" she cried through giggles. "I don't deserve to go out this way!"

That line sent them both into loud laughter, pulling apart for only a split second. When that moment was over, Jack saw that (YN) didn't look quite as nervous as before. Still, he knew she was worried.

"Everything is fine," he promised, holding her closer. "They'll be happy - I just know it."


About two hours later, their five friends sat with them at the dinner table, loudly laughing and complimenting everything about the food.

"I missed these old Joes," Michael said through a mouthful. "I don't know how, but you make them taste like heaven, (YN)."

"They're really amazing," Gav added. "I've never had such good Sloppy Joes!"

The rest of the table continued bombarding her with compliments of the like, until her face was as red as a tomato.

At some point, while everyone was wrapping up their third or fourth sandwhiches, (YN) discreetly made eye contact with Jack, waiting for a signal. Her husband nodded, and she stood up carefully.

"Alright," she began, quieting all of the boys, "I gotta say something."

She smiled at them, heart racing.

"I guess you guys may have figured out that we didn't call you here just for Joes," she admitted, and their friends and guests simply nodded. "Well, you'll never guess why you're all here!"

She paused, purely for the sake of suspense, before grinning hugely.

"I'm pregnant!" she announced all too loudly, watching the boy's faces completely change to ones of shock.

"No way!" she heard, like, a hundred times.

"There's a little Pattillo in your belly?" Gavin squeaked, and (YN) nodded.

"Oh, another announcement!" she said, having totally forgot. "Mister Geoff Ramsey is Little Pattillo's godfather!"

At that Geoff hugged her so tight, she thought she'd never have functioning lungs again. Thankfully, he did release her after a moment.

With the climax of the night over, and with a few curious bois wanting to feel if the baby was kicking (Gav got a little knock on the palm of his hand from the baby!), the five were off to their houses, not knowing how excited to be for the new addition to their friend's family.

"You were right," (YN) admitted, smiling at Jack. "They really are so excited for our baby."

Jack grabbed his beautiful wife by the waist, holding her close. "I can be right sometimes, too," he said, sounding fake offended.

(YN) rolled her eyes, but Jack kissed her before she could retaliate. She found it difficult not to laugh, but held it back anyways.

"Our family," she sighed after Jack had released her to get air. "Jack, we're almost parents!"

"This baby is going to be so loved," he promised. "You don't even understand how happy I am, and this child isn't even born, yet!"

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