[6]: A Morbid Panic

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Her heart pounded as she walked up to the front door, her slender fingers loosely wrapped around Kyle's collar incase he tried to run once he saw Marilyn.

The door was wide open like he's left it but Marilyn was nowhere in sight.

"Marilyn?" She called out into the house, her tone sounding way more braver than she was feeling. Cassie's knuckles had turned a pale shade of white from gripping the berry filled basket too tightly.

She gulped as his tall figure appeared practically out of nowhere and began walking towards her. She wasn't ready to go up against him again.

"What happened to never disobeying me again, Cassie?" He asked, the calmness of his voice shocking her.

She shrunk back nervously, "He'd die out there by himself. You already killed his owner..." She reasoned, her voice wavering.

"That's not your damn problem to solve."

She couldn't say anything that would change his stubborn mind. Cassie didn't understand his hatred for dogs, or animals, but there was probably a reason for it.

"He's just a dog.. what is your problem?" As soon as those words tumbled out of her mouth, she wished she'd never opened her mouth. It seemed silly, to argue about 'just a dog'.

Marilyn's lips curled into a sneer as he walked forward and wrapped his big hand around her wrist. She cried out, her struggles making the basket of fresh fruit drop to the ground and spill out over the cold floor.

He used his strength to yank her away from Kyle, and pull her frail body inside. She screamed as he immediately slammed the door shut.

Cassie's back collided with the hard stone, knocking the wind out of her. She cringed at the pressure his fingers held on her wrists. She squirmed under his grasp as Marilyn pressed his body up against hers.

"Cassie.." He taunted, maintaining their eye contact. "Don't make me regret bringing you here,"

The man's tone sent shivers spiralling down her back. It was as if he was waiting for her to give in, to tell him to either kill the dog or let it go. His lip twitched when she shook her head.

"Kill me then. Why is that dog's life worth any less than mine?" She spat, anticipating Marilyn's response.

"I'm waiting.. fucking kill me! Kill me like you said you would," Cassie had no idea what had gotten into her. It was like she'd forgotten every single thing he had done to her.

She waited and waited for anything to happen, but the haunting man just stared down at her with an unreadable expression.

Eventually he grunted, letting her wrists go and stepping back slightly. Marilyn also didn't know what had come over him. It was a miracle Cassie hadn't been murdered and gutted like a fish yet.

He furrowed his brow line, trying to figure out why. He tried to figure out what she was doing to him. She was just a weak little girl, so why did he spare her life? Blood wasn't as important as the kill. Nothing was important as the high you receive from killing somebody. Not to Marilyn anyway.

He continued to think, light pouring into the room once again when Cassie opened the door. It was no question that she was keeping him. She's decided for Marilyn and she knew she'd over stepped her boundaries by a long way.

Kyle bounded over to her and raised his front paws up onto her stomach. She almost fell back, being so small, but she managed to keep herself upright.

A cold breeze nipped at Cassie's skin, despite the sun being high in the sky. She shivered, but refused to turn back and look at Marilyn. Cassie and Kyle headed around the side of the cottage where they played catch with a large stick she'd found on the forest floor.

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