[10]: 129

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He tore them apart.

Marilyn returned home at a bad time. He saw the cops - he thought she had something to do with it. He saw them conversing over his table, he saw her telling them everything. He saw red.

Of course, Cassie hadn't said a word that would purposely incriminate Marilyn. But that didn't stop him from sinking his teeth into them. It didn't stop him from tearing meat from bone to the point of near death. It certainly didn't stop him from chaining them to his basement ceiling, where Kyle was waiting patiently for Cassie to return.

Despite her usual tendencies to cower, to whine and cry, Cassie didn't flinch. She sunk back into her chair, eyes closed, wishing it away.

She rose once the yelling had stopped. Tucking a few stray strands of hair behind her ear, Cassie opened the basement door and crept down the stairs.

She saw him with a jar playing in between his painted fingernails. He looked beyond pissed as he collected the blood of the officer. It dropped into the jar slowly, creating waves of disgust to ripple in her throat.

"You see what you did?" He growled, not even turning around. He set the jar down onto one of the shelves. He spun in his heels, walking towards the girl. The officers watched tiredly.

"Do you find it amusing to disobey me, Cassie?" She stood frozen, spine tingling from his touch. Marilyn slowly ran a red, painted fingernail along her jawline.

"Do you think you're special, Doll? Because you're no different from them," He sneered, gesturing to the hanging officers beside them.

"N-no.." She stuttered. He brought his hand up to her chin and looked down on her through his abnormally long eyelashes.

"The only thing that separates you from them is your blood. Fuck, I don't know what it is, but it's so sweet," He coiled his hand around her neck, slamming her fragile body against the basement wall. She let out a choked sob at the short impact on her back.

For a moment, the anger drained from his features. It was replaced by confusion and a hint of grief. Cassie was scared, but also relieved that he had calmed down, for whatever reason.

"You look so much like her," He growled under his breath. It wasn't an aggressive growl, more like a whimper than anything. His chocolate eyes bored into hers, examining every tiny gold fleck. He promised himself to pay no mind to their uncanny resemblance, but he couldn't help it.

The day he found Cassie he saw it. He thought it was her at first. He demanded her name, and was shocked when the word 'Cassie' left her chapped lips. But it would've been impossible, she died over a century ago.

"You just.. remind me of her so much," He hummed sadly, letting his eyes mindlessly drift down to her body. He gave a weak, solemn  smile before grazing his fingers against the curve of her hip.

He seemed to be in some sort of trance. Cassie stayed still, unmoving, afraid he might rip into her if she dared to even flinch. He looked down, clasping her pale hand in his own. Her skin was soft to the touch. Suddenly, his grip strengthened.

Cassie winced, trying to withdraw her hand which only made Marilyn squeeze harder. His face was now back to normal and any trace of softness was gone. "How fucking dare you leave me like that!"

"I loved you, and you just let those bastards kill you! If you loved me back, why didn't you fight?" He now had her pinned against the wall, wrists restrained to the wall beside her head. Cassie shrunk back.

"Why? Why did you do that?" Seethed Marilyn. He demanded an answer Cassie couldn't give, because he wasn't talking to her, but someone else. "I've been here, alone, for 129 damn years! That's your fault, Sabrina. We had everything!" He roared down at the girl. Her face had drained of colour and she furiously trembled between his arms.

"Please, don't hurt me," She protested, but Marilyn wasn't listening. Her voice was just a mere echo in the back of his mind. His eyes glazed over in a grim shade of black, irises glowing a dull red. Veins travelled under the skin below his eyes as he leaned down. His breath tickled her neck, hairs standing to attention. "It's Cassie," She whimpered.

Again, no response. His tongue glided against her soft skin, surprisingly gentle. "Cassie," He hummed. She let out a sigh of relief. "You're Cassie. How could I forget?"

Despite being snapped back into reality, Marilyn didn't pull away. His hands on her wrists went limp. She could easily have moved them, but she was too scared to. His head stayed close to her neck, yet he didn't move. So, Cassie went to move her wrists. She let out a sob as he tightened his grip once more, slightly harder than last time.

"You're that lying, weak, disobedient Bitch, that gives me more trouble than pleasure. The Bitch who I never should've brought here."

She sniffled, an orb of salt gliding down her cheek. She didn't know why she was crying. It was Marilyn, he never cared about her. It shouldn't hurt, but it did.

"But your blood. It's intoxicating," He sucked in a slow breath. How he loved the sound of a beating heart. He could hear the blood pumping around her veins, it tempted him. He leaned in, nipping her skin with his teeth. Crimson blood glided down her neck, awakening his senses.

Cassie felt his tongue run over her wound, to which he wasted no time sinking his teeth into her flesh. She squealed and attempted to free herself from his cage, but the time came when she could no longer struggle. She didn't need to.

It took everything in him to stop. It was like sticking a needle in your arm and only shooting up half of the drug. She looked up at him in fear, bottom lip quivering. His chin was wet with blood and his eyes held darkness and evil. He wanted to feed on her until she died - he was confused on why he didn't. "Go. Get out of my fucking house or I'll kill you." He said, his voice quiet.

She didn't move. She was worried if she did, he would do something. Why was he letting her go? It didn't make sense. He wouldn't do that.

"I never needed you here. I never wanted you here. I should just kill you right now - I just might. Run." His voice was laced with a raspy undertone and it cracked on certain words.

Cassie still didn't move. She didn't want to. She couldn't even believe herself. Her neck throbbed in agony, yet she wanted to stay. She was scared to leave.

"I said fucking run, Cassie!" He bellowed, stepping back. He sharply brought his fist down on the torso of one of the officers, who groaned in pain. He did it over and over again until he was sure Cassie had gone. It distracted him from plunging his fist into her chest and ripping out her heart.

The fragile girl stumbled through the woods, no destination in mind, just with the intention to get as far away from Marilyn as possible.

Her neck pulsated blood that soaked into her shirt, a white button-down she'd been given by Marilyn. It hurt like hell, and she could start to feel herself becoming weary. But she didn't stop, even when the crushing realisation that she left Kyle behind came crashing down on her.

Cassie didn't stop worrying until she slammed into something - hard. It was a van filled with logs. She clutched her head in agony, a small groan escaping her lips.

She quickly shut herself up as a voice sounded out behind her.

"Hey, Miss? Are you alright?"


a/n: Ayyyy I'm alive! School started up again - it sucks. Also I keep publishing new stories and I need to stop because I'm juggling 6 atm and it sucks. Hope you enjoyed it!

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