[5]: Work of Art

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She was weak, tired and cold. She hadn't had a single drop of water or a bite of food in three days.

It made her regret ever trying to stop him from killing the dog although it made her feel sick to her stomach. It was a horrible thing to think, but she wished she'd let him.

Now, she was barely conscious, her body sprawled out over the metal table she'd been strapped to previously.

Going without food and water for so long made Cassie realise that she was completely dependant on Marilyn. It made her realise how weak she truly was.

Three days ago, she despised his painted face - looking at him made her sick, knowing the things he'd done. But now, she'd do anything to see that haunting man storm through the door.

She was too weak to move. If she didn't get water in the next few hours, she'd die. Cassie's eyelids fluttered shut, then snapped open. She began falling in and out of consciousness, her head lolling back and forth every few minutes.

She felt her consciousness slip between her fingers one final time.

"Beautiful... just beautiful.." My eyes grew tired as I watched him swirl his brush in a peach toned paint. He swiped the brush delicately over the canvas. I couldn't fathom how delicate he was with his paintings.

His light eyes flickered over to my body, lingering before going straight back to the painting. I wanted to tell him how uncomfortable it made me, but he would never listen. I squirmed under his gaze.

"Hold still.." He muttered, his tone harsh. I immediately stopped moving out of fear. He grinned - how his smile made me sick.

I grew confused when he swished his small brush around in the messy glass of water, and dipped it into a shade of dark red. I carefully let my gaze drop to my body, to see if any red was there. But I was still in my dirty covered underwear and no blood was to be seen. Just purple, blue and brown.

I wanted to ask what it was for, yet I didn't want to strain my voice. I stayed quiet as he smirked.

Ross set the coated brush down, then stood up. My eyes followed him as he walked over to the stairs. "It's dinner time, Dear. I'll be back."

I sighed in relief as his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Cassie awoke to the sound of the heavy door swinging open. Her head rolled to the side, it was Marilyn with a glass of water clutched in his pale hand. Her heart skipped a beat. He'd come back for her.

Without a word, he walked over to her. Marilyn placed his other hand firmly under her head and lifted it up. She smiled as he tilted her head slightly back and began pouring the icy liquid into her dry mouth.

After a few seconds, she grew strong enough and desperate enough to grasp the cup with her two hands and gulp it down, letting a few cold drops roll down her chin.

She dropped the glass on her lap and lunged for him. She needed human contact. He tensed under her grasp.

"I'll never disobey you again, I promise!" Cassie cried into his shoulder. His scent calmed her down greatly, she identified it as something like honey and vanilla with a touch of alcohol.

Marilyn hooked his arm under her thin legs and lifted her up bridal style. She was too weak to hold her head up by herself so she let it dangle over his arm under her neck - almost like a baby.

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