[3]: Officer Friendly

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Cassie awoke to a sight that made her wish she never woke up in the first place.

She went to sit up, but she was unable to. She winced as the sharp wires dug into her skin, threatening to slice it.

She felt something sharp pierce her arm - it was a needle that belonged to the firm grasp of Marilyn Manson. He drew the needle back, Cassie watched as the blood slowly left her body.

"What are you doing?" She breathed out.

"I told you, Cassie. I need blood," He said with a slight growl. The walls that surrounded her impaled her spine with a shiver, as she glared at the wiry spider webs and the jars of fresh blood on the table next to her.

The sound of his boots colliding with the stone floor made Cassie's heart pound. He stuck the full needle into a half full jar, filling it up. 

"Why me?" She asked, starting to feel herself growing tired from the amount of blood he'd taken.

He simply retrieved a new needle from his collection. "Answer me," Tears threatened to spill from the girl's green eyes.

"You're incredibly weak, Cassie. Nobody cares enough to come and save you, nobody even knows who you are." He said in a monotone voice, sticking the needle deep into her forearm. He could hear her teeth grinding together, "Not that hard to figure out now, was it?" He mused.

"You bastard," She hummed, her head lolling from side to side from exhaustion.

Marilyn's eyebrows furrowed as he leaned down and grabbed her chin. "You should be fucking grateful I saved you from that psycho rapist prick. Or would you rather be back there, chained to a fucking wall?" He barked. Cassie shrunk back, feeling is hot breath fan over her neck.

Suddenly, four loud bangs sounded from upstairs. "Police! Open up!"

Cassie didn't respond as he let go and quickly walked over to a decaying door in the corner of the room. She couldn't help but flinch as the door was slammed shut behind him.

Her heart was beating rapidly. Were the police really here to save her? She couldn't help but smile wide at the thought of leaving. She didn't know how the cops had tracked them down, but she didn't care - she was practically free.

But then she started doubting the police's luck. If Marilyn was as powerful as he said he was, would the police be able to save her without being shredded apart by him?

She heard deep yells followed by a loud crash. The door was kicked in. Cassie frantically tried to free herself, but to no use. She thought about screaming, but decided against it as it sounded as if Marilyn was winning.

Screams of pain were heard from upstairs - it didn't sound like Marilyn. Moments later, the door swung open and Marilyn calmly walked in, with an unmoving cop, limp in his arms.

Cassie watched as he sat the policeman down and tied him to the wall opposite her.

"Did you kill them?" She asked, her anxiety clearly showing through her tone.

"Yes." He simply responded. Cassie wondered how he could be so calm about something as horrific as murder.

"Why? Why do you kill people?" At this point, Cassie's face was stained with tears. Her chance of freedom was either dead or unconscious.

"Why does anyone do anything, Cassie?" He huffed, tugging on the rope to make sure it was tight enough so the cop wouldn't escape when he eventually awoke.

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