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It was another day at Iridium High, I was walking with my sister and our best friend Andi

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It was another day at Iridium High, I was walking with my sister and our best friend Andi.

"And then he looked right at me with those gorgeous black eyes-" Andi explained.

"The shark had gorgeous black eyes?" Emma interrupted while I chuckled.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," Andi argues

"I can't believe your dad took you shark cage diving," I say in amazement.

"Right, like I need a cage to protect me," Andi scoffs.

"The last place our dad took us was Graceland, if I have to hear him say 'Thank you, thank you very much' one more time I'll-" my sister rants while I nod.

"Turn him into a giant sea turtle I can ride him the next time I go shark diving?" Andi questions excitedly.

"Nice try," I comment.

"I mean you both should come with and you know..." Andi trails off.

"There's Daniel," Emma says excitedly.

The sound of a motorcycle engine caught our attention, we turned our heads to see two motorcycles speed passes, on their back wheels while the front one was in the air.

They both skidded to a stop causing dust to fly everywhere and hit Daniel making him look all dusty.

"Those are double twerk upper dirt bikes," Andi explains in aw.

"I thought they weren't real. Just a dirt bike urban legend," Andi continues.

Daniel comes up to us and hugs Emma tightly, I roll my eyes and fake vomit causing Andi to laugh.

"Hello! We're still here!" I exclaimed, raising my hands in the air.

They both let go of each other and ignored us, Emma was too engrossed with Daniel to notice what I had said.

"How was visiting your nana?" Emma asks.

"Um... dangerous. She spent the entire week arming the T-3 with enough gear to um... bring down Miami," Daniel responds.

"Awesome!" Andi yells but stops smiling when she gets a look from the couple.

"Um...I mean, bad nana," she corrects.

"Your shoelaces are untied," I point out.

"Not falling for that again," Daniel says.

"No, they are," Emma adds.

Daniel kneels down to tie his shoelaces when we all noticed he was all dirty. "Hey, you got some-"

"It's a must, remove the dust," I snap my fingers to finish the spell.

Daniel stands up and looks at our anxious faces. "What?"

"Nothing," Emma breathes.

"How was Graceland?" He questions.

"Oh, don't get her started again," Andi and I groaned loudly while walking away from the couple.

"Oh, don't get her started again," Andi and I groaned loudly while walking away from the couple

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