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Suddenly a man was brought into the room. He was wearing the same school uniform from my school and he had a black bag over his head. Roughly he was forced onto his hands and knees.

"Remove it." Taehyung said in a deep husky voice that made me shiver. Without hesitation the man Namjoon removed the bag revealing a handsome man with silver hair. Suddenly he spat at Taehyungs feet. Jungkook moved to smack him but Tae held up a hand.

" Not yet. Yuna you will decide this mans fate. He has been following you around the school, taken pictures and videos of you, and I found videos of porn he has edited your face onto. Luckily I back searched everything and nothing is public but this man is very vile. What do you plan to do with him?" Tae said facing me. Out of everything this is something I didn't expect.

What the fuck is wrong with people? I thought I was careful and watchful. I thought I knew exactly what was going on around me and to have it completely crumble underneath me like this felt strange. Clearly I failed as I've been kidnapped too.

Carefully, I looked at the man. He seemed to be looking down in shame. His frame was shaking slightly and he had tears in his eyes. He looked as if he was ready to accept any punishment I threw his way, he knew he did wrong.

"What is his name?" I asked. He glanced up at me resulting in a sharp kick to the side from Namjoon.

"His name is Jung Hoseok. You may kill him if you wish, torture him, and even set him free. You may do as you please. Decide his fate." Taeyhung said grabbing mysmall hand in his.

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