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He said he would be here soon but he still hasn't arrived. Did I even want to see him though? What if I did something wrong and he hurt me? Did I still like him? As all these questions went through my mind I didn't notice when the tall man entered my room and lied down on the bed next to me.

"Miss me?"He asked making me jump. Quickly, I looked to my left and stared into his eyes.

"Y-y-y-yes." I stuttered out nervously. I could see the lust in his eyes as he slowly scanned my body. Suddenly he reached out for me and lightly grabbed my chin. I couldn't stop myself from watching as his unbuttoned sleeve slid down his forearm stopping at his elbow.

"Why are you so nervous? I can practically hear your heart beat from here."He whispered making a shiver go down my spine. I was very nervous but who wouldn't be? I was sitting in front of the very hot man I had a crush on who not only kidnapped me, but was now staring into my eyes as I was wearing basically nothing.

I couldn't answer his question, or more like I couldn't tell him my answer because I was embarrassed.

"I want an answer sweetheart."He whispered putting a hand on my lower back pulling me closer to him. His dark scent was radiating off of him making me momentarily distracted.

"I-I-um." I stuttered nervously as he leaned closer. He pressed his body against mine making me more and more aware of the erection in his pants. His face was only an inch away from mine making my heart beat even faster. I felt as if my heart might jump out of my chest at this point.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door making me jump. As I jumped I rubbed against his body making a cross between a growl and a moan escape his body.

"Enter!"He barked not letting go of me. Slowly the door opened and several footsteps could be heard entering the room. I tried to turn my head to look but Tae's hand halted my attempt.

"Sir we have him. Do you want us to bring him in?"A soft deep voice asked.

"Yes."Taehyung said. Quickly he let go of me and stood up. Released from his restraints I quickly scanned the room. Three men were in the room and one of them was Jungkook.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to keep her in here?" A tall man with tan skin and brown hair asked.

"I want her to see this. Or at least most of it. Bring him in Namjoon."Taehyung said to the tan man.

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