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Awkwardly I walked in and closed the door behind me. What is he doing here? 

"Taehyung?" I questioned. He was handsomely sitting behind the desk in an all black.

"Come."He said firmly patting the desk. There where no others chairs in the room beside the one he was currently vacating. I walked over to his side. My hands were firmly kept on my chest to keep my lack of a bra more private.

"Why am I here?" I ask. Uncomfortably I watch him rake over my body with his eyes.

"You are here because I want you to be."He said biting his bottom lip. He was wearing a dress shirt that was slightly unbuttoned, black slacks, and some nice dress shoes. Looking down at my own clothes my body was very exposed under the white silk pajamas I had woken up in. Could I even consider these clothes? It was as if I wasn't wearing anything at all. 

Suddenly, Taehyung lifted me off the ground and placed me on the desk in front of him. I did my best to keep my hands glued to mychest. A task near impossible.

"Comfortable?"He asked gently wrapping his hands around my thighs while I tried to figure out my emotions. I was upset about being taken and treated like this, but at the same time my stupid heart still skipped a beat. I was still attracted to him, I still felt drawn to him. 

"No actually, I would like some more clothes and for you to take your hands off me." I said trying to be confident.

"I can have them put you in something better love."He said lightly squeezing your thighs. 

"What did you call me for?" I asked remembering that I was actually called from the room I woke up in.

"I wanted to see you kitten."He said lifting his hand up to my bottom lip. Firmly he pressed down on it and dragged his thumb over it gently. Quickly I pushed his hand off unsure of how to feel about it. 

"Please don't."Is all I said but soon realized that was a mistake. Quickly he pushed me down on the desk and hovered over me.

"I will touch you if I want! You are mine now whether you like it or not. You belong to me. Learn your place!"He shouted only inches away from my face. Trembling I squeezed my lips together and nodded. Trying to not accidentally touch my face to his. 

"Yes, Taehyung." I said trying to not let your voice shake. 

"Have Jungkook take you back to our room. I'll be there to join you in a little bit." He said backing off of me and pulling me up. Without hesitation I hopped off the desk and went to the door but stopped mid way.

"Why me?" I asked suddenly. There was nothing but silence as my answer. Calmly I waited with my back faced to him hoping he would answer. 

"Just leave."He said quietly. I left making sure to shut the door all the way on the way out. Sighing, I leaned against the door and relaxed slightly. 

"Miss are you ready to go back?"A voice suddenly asked making me jump.

"Yes Jungkook. Thank you."

I can never leave again? Taehyung owns me? I BELONG to him? Why does everything have to be so confusing and strange...


Taehyung's POV:

There she was. Yuna, perfectly sitting on the desk in front of me. Fingers gripping the desk tightly, her clothes were so sheer I could almost see her perfect body beneath it. My face was only inches from hers.

"Yes, Taehyung," She said. I loved hearing her say my name. It was like listening to the voice of an angel. 

"Have Jungkook take you back to our room. I'll be there to join you in a little bit."I said stepping back from her. I pulled her up from her beautiful sprawled out position on my desk. If only I didn't have to hold back right now. The wonderful screams of joy that she could fill this room with. 

"Why me?" She asked breaking my thoughts. Why her? Why HER? Could she really not fathom being the subject of my every desire. My air to my lungs. After meeting her I couldn't begin to imagine a moment of my life she wasn't allowed to be in.

"Just leave." I answered quietly. If I told her everything now I would only freak her out. But I also couldn't lie to her either. No answer was better than the wrong one. I watched with sadness as she slipped behind the door. My ethereal angel in white.

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