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"Then let's go."He said and began walking. Quickly I followed behind. Stuck with nothing but this stranger and my many thoughts. Well, maybe he wasn't as much of a stranger now.

"Your name is Jungkook right?" I  asked for clarification. He gave no answer so I grabbed his hand. Immediately he stopped walking. 

"Don't touch me please."He said coldly. Quickly I released his arm and he began walking again.

"You didn't answer my question Jungkook." I stated putting emphasis on his name. 

"Yes." Jungkook said not evening turning his head in my direction. With a sigh I gave up on any interaction with him. He was making me anxious. He was so cold. Maybe trying to befriend him was not a good idea. 

Or was it?


Once I was safely tucked back into my room I began to search the room. The bookshelves had nice books, the doors were all locked, and all I knew was that I was very thirsty. How does one go about acquiring a drink when you are kidnapped. I ran across the room to the main door and knocked.

"Jungkook?" I called out. No response. I knocked again. "Anybody?" Nothing. I pressed my ear against the door in an attempt to see if I could hear any footsteps. Coming up with nothing I began to beat on the door aggressively. 

"Jungkook! I get it! You don't want me to know you. But can I PLEASE GET A FUCKING DRINK!" I screamed. This was a little on the dramatic side yes, but I was just kidnapped so who is to say who is truly the drama queen here.

"Right away." Jungkooks voice calmly spoke through the door. HA! He was there. That fucking jerk. I walked across the room and plopped down onto the bed. After a short period of time the door opened and Jungkook came in with a glass in his hand.

"Sorry for yelling earlier, I'm really thirsty I haven't had anything to drink since school." I said gratefully. I took the cup from him and began to drink as much as I could. As soon as the liquid hit my throat it felt like I was drinking fire. Immediately I began to cough.

"I apologize, is the drink not to your liking?" He calmly asked. 

"Um, what is this?" I asked. I was doing my best to keep my composure but frankly what the fuck?

"Vodka." Jungkook replied. "Would you maybe like some wine or maybe something else?" He questioned. Unfortunately for me, he looked genuinely concerned that I didn't like his beverage of choice.

"Something else! Maybe water perhaps?" I asked while handing the glass back to him. 

"Ah I see." He replied taking the glass away. "Right away." He commented before leaving the room. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? VODKA? How on earth did he come to that conclusion. I'm underage for fucks sake.

After Jungkook thoroughly watered me and left the room again I was left with nothing but myself. 

How long did Taehyung say he was going to be?


Taehyung's POV:

Jungkook and Yoongi should be capturing Yuna as we speak. I'll have the maids put her in something I found at my favorite boutique the other day. I can't help but walk around the school a little longer before I head home just to make sure she didn't leave anything else. I sent a message from "Yuna" to Mrs.Lee asking her to sign Yuna out of school for the rest of the semester. I told her that Yuna would be leaving to live with her cousin. 

All trace of her is about to be erased from everyones lives. She'll solely be mine.

"Yeah yeah bro! Look at this one!" A boys voice shouts off in the distant. I look up at him and see him showing his friend a video on his phone. A faint moan comes from the phone. As I get closer to them I see his friends eyes light up.

"Is that Yua or Yun or whatever that girls name is?"His friend asks.

"Yuna! Yes it's her man."He replies. "This is what we were doing last night. She likes to keep our relationship a secret though."

Immediately, I have an out of body experience. In seconds I'm ripping the phone from the boys hands and grabbing him by the shirt with my free hand. He stares blankly at me and I start watching the video. 

There she is. Yuna. My precious angel is naked on this boys floor doing the most unmentionable things. MY Yuna. A discrepancy goes across the screen for a split moment. It's as if a filter comes off of Yuna for a second and she looks like a completely different person. My blood boils as I come to a realization of what he had done.

"What is this?"I ask the boy. 

"That's me and my girlfriend having a little fun. Just let it go man. What is she to you anyway?"He replies. He tries to brush my hand of his shirt but my hand makes contact with his face. 

"LIAR!" I shout at him. I hit him again. "FUCKING LIAR!!" I hit him again and again. "WHAT IS THIS?!" I shout into his face. His friend runs away in fear.

"That-that's Yuna in my-my room!" The boy cried out. I hit him again.

"Tell me the truth!"

"Fine, you got me!" He cried. "I t-take porn videos and put picture of girls from our school over them. Please stop hitting me." He began to sob. So of course, I hit him in the gut.

"You're coming with me pig." I said. I kicked his knees in and began to drag him through the school. Practically no one should be here at this hour.

"Where are you taking me?"He choked out. 

"To hell."

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