Ch.12 Y/n learns about the Lycans

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          Y/n's POV

     When Aaron came home he went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes before he returned to me on the couch. I had some movie on that I had probably seen a million times, it was only on for background noise. Aaron joined me on the couch bringing me into his arms as he laid down bringing me with him.

  He didn't need to even speak for me to figure out the meeting went good. From the moment I looked at him he seemed as if a heavy weight was lifted from his body. His face still held the exhaustion he carried all week leading up to the meeting but he seemed more optimistic now. Even now laying on his chest he seems less stiff, like he's finally let down his guard from whatever bad thing could have potentially happened.

   My eyes burned from the harsh colors of the TV from the late night, my hands mindlessly fiddled with Aaron's hair as I listened to his steady heart beat. "I feel like I could sleep for hours now." His words held a gruffness to them from his exhaustion. "I honestly could to, this week has been hard on all four of us." I mumbled as I kept messing with his hair. "Four?" I figured Kacie would have mentioned Laurence to him, but I guess not. "Kacie told Laurence." I let my words sink in.

  "I figured she wouldn't tell anyone, let alone him." He seemed almost awestruck. I stayed silent letting him word out his thoughts. "I guess they have been hanging out more than most of her other friends, but still I don't know why she would tell him. I told you because it kind of involves you, but where would Laurence fit in this picture?" He was tired, trying to recall any moment to piece this puzzle together. I could help, tell him Laurence is really into Kacie and she's developed feelings too. However, this was more entertaining.

  "The picture." Two words, it was all he had to say to make me confused. "She had a picture on her phone that I saw tonight, it was Laurence and her laying on the couch. He took a picture of them both on the couch the night of the barbecue, it was after we all left." He described this picture, but did he figure it out? He was pretty tired maybe I should tell him and give his mind a break. "Those two are dating."

I couldn't contain my laughter. "What's so funny that is obviously the case." He moved his hands trying to convince me his statement is correct. "Close but wrong, I think they are both very interested in each other. As far as I know though, neither has made a move on the other." I explained resting my eyes from the harsh colors of the TV.

  "Figures, those two act so tough but become hopeless idiots when they have sappy feelings to confront." He joked, he was right. They both have a habit of poking and flirting trying to fluster the other, now it's backfired in their faces and they are hopeless around each other.

  "What if we were in their situation, hopelessly in love but couldn't bring ourselves to tell the other." I asked as I watched him turn off the TV with the remote. "I think I would go crazy, I can't imagine not talking to you as often as I do now and being completely sane." I snorted at his comment. "Well I guess I would go insane too, you would drive me crazy with how such a good and handsome person you are. I would simply not be able to resist you."  I could feel the lack of sleep enveloping my body as I talked.

  "Yeah I am pretty irresistible, but you are too. Guess in any situation we would have told each other sooner than Laurence and Kacie will ever tell each other." I hummed in agreement as I descended into sleep.

  By the time Aaron and I had woken up it was well noon. I guess the week of stress really robbed us of our sleep that we needed to catch up on. Aaron and I decided to go to this brunch restaurant after we got ready to start the day at 1 pm. As we ate I asked him how he felt going out tonight.

  "Did you have a certain place in mind?" He had just came back with our food. "I saw a nice seafood restaurant downtown, I searched around and it had some good reviews. It's formal dress type of place." I gave the small details of the restaurant while unwrapping my breakfast sandwich.  "What time you thinking on eating?" He took a bite out of his muffin. "Well, since we are already eating light I think 5 wouldn't be so bad." I took a sip of my coffee.  "Sounds good to me, I'll drop you off at your place and we can get ready and I'll come back and pick you up at four." He stated as he finished his muffin. "Sound like a date?" I looked at him amused. "Of course it's a date sleeping beauty."


  I was finishing blow drying my hair when Kacie walked into my bathroom. "Haven't seen you in a couple of days." She mussed at me from the door way.  "I had spent a couple of days at Aaron's. You know since he's was stressed out about your two's little meeting." I made eye contact with her through my mirror. She didn't say anything. "Why didn't you tell me?" I was still a little hurt she didn't say anything. "I honestly have no good reason to your question. I just elected not to." She looked sad. "Yet you elected to tell Laurence." I was feeling push-y. I don't know why I felt this way. "Laurence was a different case. You are a really good friend of mine, and these people evolve secrets I've kept from a lot of people."

  "You told Laurence though." I was turned towards her at this point, her eyes went to the floor. "Would have you preferred your boyfriends sister to tell you or your boyfriend!" She snapped, and she said something unexpected. The realization washed across her face as she brought her hands up to cover her mouth in shock.

  "I thought Aaron was a only child?" I was still surprised by this information. "There is actually three of us. Aaron's the middle child, I'm the youngest, and we have and older sister." She explained holding her self.

  "You went to see your parents, you both had a bad ending with them back in high school?" I couldn't believe it, Kacie had moved twice in high school. Aaron however never lived with her. "When did you guys fallout?" I turned to start my makeup, her explanation might take some time.

  "I was the first one to leave, I lived with a single old woman for my sophomore year, after that I had my own place from working different jobs. It was hard because all my school activities but I got it done. I left those first two months of sophomore year." She explained her side of the story, she hadn't seen them in ages if this was the case.

  "Aaron stayed longer, in fact he still lived with mom and dad through his whole high school career and was on decent terms most of college. It was the last year of college he broke all ties to them. Didn't use any of the money out parents gave him, started working for himself and got his degree." So Aaron was not to long ago.

  "Why did you leave so early?" She looked over to me. "Maybe that enough information for now, I'm sure Aaron is willing to tell you what you would like to all know." She wished me luck on my date and left my bathroom. I checked the time, 4:15. I slipped on my dress as I ran my fingers through my hair to get out any tangles that might have developed. By time I was down stairs Aaron was knocking on the door.

  He had nice pants with a red button up shirt with a black tie. He looked good. "Ready for supper?" He extended his hand towards me. "Of course I am!" I kissed his cheek as we walked to the car.

  We had a peaceful dinner half way through Aaron started telling me about last night's meeting and how it went, I knew some of the already details from Kacie and the night before but I was still eager to hear and take in.

  "I'm glad you were able to reconnect with your family, and that you feel comfortable telling me." I watched Aaron lean back in his chair. "I am too. It's only the beginning of us all getting back together but I hope it all goes well." I nodded in agreement. "By the way where did you get that dress? You look amazing in it!" He beamed at me, I got a little flustered from the complement. "I bought it the day me and Laurence went shopping to trash talk you and your sister." I joked, he laughed and then made a fake scared face at me.

  "I hope it wasn't about my elegant sleeping." I laughed  along with him before following up with. "Nah, we talked about your tiny muscles." He made a shocked face which made me laugh louder.

  It felt so good to be relaxed tonight with him, this week was hectic with emotions it made me miss these moments with my boyfriend. Some of the other facts about the situation are still kind of stressful, but Aaron's family is in a healing phase. Things that happened are going to hurt, but they will grow from it together.



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