Ch. 6 Completely casual

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       Y/N's POV

 Okay, it's go time Y/n. "Kacie!" I called from my room. She walked into my room and over to where I was standing. "What's a casual date outfit?!" I questioned panicked looking at my clothes. "Hmmm, I would just go with something you wear normally but with like jewelry or something." She tried her best answering. 

  "Your terrible. Can you do your best to look for an outfit for me please?" I begged. "I'm going to go do my hair and make up." I tired convincing her more. "Yeah yeah, ill do my best." She started rummaging through my clothes, and pulled out her phone?

 "Okay now to do my best with hair." I mumbled plugging in my straightener. "I'll smooth out my hair a bit and then move on to makeup. That's casual right?" I have no idea why I'm struggling so hard with this, I mean it sounds like the simplest thing."

After the absolute hell I went through of doing my hair to my liking and applying a small amount of make up on where it was needed. I shuffled over to my room to see what Kacie had accomplished for an outfit choice.

 It wasn't bad. She had a pair of jeans, a simple shirt, and an over jacket paired with some random pair of shoes I had with a plain necklace. "You can switch out whatever you want and add on what you like this is just what I considered casual." She explained while still looking at my jewelry. "No you did good  I'll go change into it." I picked up the outfit and went to change in the bathroom.

  (So I left the description of what you look like completely light because everyone has their preferences on what they like.)

 I walked back into my room a bit nervous. Only a couple of minutes until Aaron picks me up. I thought as Kacie looked up at me. "Not bad but," She walked over and reached towards my head and touched my hair. "Sorry you had a piece really out of place."  She chuckled. "Well how you feeling?" She was really sincere. "Uh nervous. I mean we've only been friends this is completely different!" I exhaled. "Wow, your a mess. I'd offer a beer for the nerves but, Aaron probably wouldn't appreciate me putting that in your system." She attempted making the mood lighter. 

 "Listen, you two are really close, honestly I would treat this like you are friends." I have to admit, she was indeed confusing me right now. "Don't blow him off if he makes romantic remarks or whatever obviously, but, be open with him. Like friends are open with each other." 

 "I guess I get what your saying? I don't know?" I was still honestly confused. "Well your out of luck that's the best shitty pep talk I have at the moment." She cracked a smile at me. I laughed and hugged her. "Well at least you attempted one. It's the thought that counts I guess?" I laughed a bit harder. 

 I think her "Shitty pep talk" actually did me some good I feel a bit more relaxed. Soon there was a knock down stairs. Kacie looked at me. "Well, I'm 90% sure that's him! So go have fun!" We hugged one last time before I grabbed my phone with some cash and my money card as a back up. (LMAO THATS STAYING)

I opened the door to a cleaned up Aaron. He wore a nice red long sleeve shirt, black jeans, with a pair of white vans. It in all honesty was not cold out. "You look nice Y/n." He complimented me while he looked almost at ease. "Come on I have this all planned and you won't have to spend a cent." He said holding out his hand towards me. I grabbed it and headed out to his car feeling on top of the world.

 "So were are we going first?" I questioned turning towards him in my seat. "He smiled and glanced at me as he drove. "Well if your just dying to know we are going to a move first then we can walk around downtown for some food." He listed off. A completely casual date!

 We where half way through the movie, Aaron had paid for some popcorn and drinks plus the tickets. I actually feel bad that I'm not paying for stuff, but he said he is treating me and that "you will not worry about a single thing tonight."

 I was enjoying the movie stealing some glances at Aaron to see his soft smile, he would also check on me once in a while. I then felt something wiggle around my shoulders. I looked towards Aaron who was already looking at me. "Is this okay? I can stop if your not okay with it." He asked. "No it's okay, I actually like this." I said leaning in closer to him. He rubbed small patterns with his thumb on my arm while we finished off the movie.

 I felt like I was drifting through clouds for the rest of the movie. It was a cheesy comedy that we both enjoyed and talked about as we exited the theater. "So and type of food you have in mind?" Aaron was hold my hand as we walked the side walk downtown. It smelt so good here. All the different restaurants and their foods smells flowing into the street. I think I was drooling a little from how good it smelled.

 "I think I'll let my nose lead me." I laughed. "They all just smell so good!" I exclaimed. He let out a loud laugh.  I stopped. "What's so funny?" I interrogated still laughing myself. "It's just, your really cute right now." He said smiling down at me. "Your also cute when your blushing like right now." He teased. "Oh shut up before I leave you here while I use your money to eat!" I joked while trying to get my burning cheeks to cool down.

 "Wow your gonna mug me?!" He laughed harder. "You think I won't?!" I laughed with him. He calmed down a little and picked me up a bit and walked down a few building until we reached a restaurant.  I was still laughing on his shoulder. He set me down and I turned around to see a restaurant with my favorite food. "Now this one smells the best!" I commented. "Well lets go get some seats and eat!" He lead me in to the building to order.

 I ended up getting my favorite food while Aaron got something similar, he once again paid for everything. We even got ice cream on the way back to his car that he paid for, only single scoops though. 

 We where currently driving around the city softly singing to the radio before he took me back home. We both agreed we wanted to spend some more time with each other before the night ended. He had a really amazing voice.

  When we where parked outside mine and Kacie's house at the end of the date, the car radio read 12:18 a.m. We sat in the car longer finishing out the last song before we made our way to the front door.

 "I had a lot of fun tonight." Aaron commented. "I did too. Thank you so much for putting this together Aaron it was amazing, and your an amazing guy." I complimented. I turned towards Aaron. He had done so many things and made a lot of efforts in terms of an relationship. I wanted to do something too.

  I leaned in and kissed him first. I felt him tense for a moment then relaxed into the kiss as he reached to softly hold my face. My hand rested over the top of his as we continued to kiss. It felt like heaven and I could smell his good cologne. 

 We separated a little an looked at each other. "Y/n I like you so much, will you please be my girlfriend?" He whispered to me. I broke into the biggest smile ever. "Of course I will you dummy!" We went back in for another kiss.

    Yay! Ya'll do'n that now! Okay my things dying hope this is good have a nice whatever time it is while your reading this.

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