Ch.0 Mr. Hearst

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    EVICTED. That is the first thing I read this morning. The reasoning of the eviction was neighbor complaint. 

"So... what's his face finally managed to get us out of here huh?" my roommate asked walking out from her room, she most likely just woke up too. "His name is John Hearst Kacie, and yes he did finally did." I stated as I walking into the kitchen to get my morning drink. "You know? I never could figure out why he wanted us out of here so bad." Kacie said pouring herself some cereal. "Your guess is good as mine. It says here the reasoning in for multiple noise disturbances and destruction of building?" I re-read the last reasoning before directing my attention towards Kacie.

"Would you happen to know about this one?" I asked as she walked over to the table to sit with me. "I really wouldn't consider it destruction to the building." she said sounding slightly annoyed.

"Well this should be a good story" I said leaning back taking a sup of my drink. She made an annoyed sound before sharing. "I came home one night, later than usual, from the gym and stumbled over his flower pot knocking it into the wall and chipping some paint no biggie." i tapped my glass in thought. 

I've know Kacie since middle school. We've been pretty good friends along with some other buddies a little bit older than us and in our class. In high school we got more busy and it got harder to hang out, but we managed and even got a few other new friends. 

College was a different story some people went to Falcon Claw, others to Meteli and a few to the community college. I went to Falcon Claw where Aphmau, Garroth and Aaron where. I hung around them a lot, but i did manage to make some other friends i keep in touch and even see Kacie once in a while when I was there. 

 I miss those days it seemed so much easier even when problems came up. Know in the adult world I get to deal with mean neighbors and a crazy roommate.

  "-ew place." I was snapped back to reality. "I'm sorry what where you saying?' i questioned. "I said we should probably start looking for a new place. Since you know this one isn't going to be ours much longer." she said picking up her bowl to wash it. "Where do we even start looking? I mean would we even have enough money for a good enough place? Are we gonna need a new roommate? If so who? What if we have to move cities?" I could tell more questions where coming out of my mouth than Kacie could keep up with so I stopped there. 

"Oh my Irene and I over think everything..." she mumbled but i could still here it. "You actually do. Besides I'm willing to bet you already have a plan." She knew I was right and so did I. She exhaled. "We start basic. Look on some listing places and rental. Call some friends see if there is anything for sale or rent near them." She said already pulling out her phone from her pants waist band. 

  "So who's doing what." I grabbed my phone from the table. Try getting a hold of people while its morning, if we get nothing good we'll call other in the afternoon and at night. Other than that look at listing sites." she exited the room. I'm guessing to start making calls. I looked down at my phone in my hands. "I'll make my calls this afternoon. For now I'll look at listings.

 *Le Later*

 I was making my way up the stairwell with Kacie and I's carry out. It was some taco truck food a couple blocks down that we go too at least once a month. The food was good and the owners where always so nice. I'll have to make it back here for the food sometime when we move.

 So far we've had no luck now for about three days and our leave date was getting closer. 'What will we do if we don't get a place in time? Beg the owner to stay? No no that's bad.' I had finally reached our apartment door and opened it to a overjoyed burnett.

 "Are you this happy about food or did karma get Mr. Hearst?" i sat the containers with food down on the table. "Slightly to the food. I wish on the Hearst deal, but no!" before i got a chance to lecture her about Mr. Hearst she continued. "I just got off the phone with Lucinda!" another one of our friends. "She says she lives in a neighborhood with decent rent and get this! Her and Aaron live there! Well and Zane but he's well....him."

 "Are you serious?!" I was pretty much shaking with excitment. Some of our friends already lived there and the rent was good it was to good to be true. 

 "Yes. There are a couple houses for sell that we can look through online tonight and set up a viewing for sometime." She was already getting ready to eat the food. "Well what are we waiting around for lets get started.

  After awhile we finally found a house we liked and set up the viewing time for it. "Why do you get to go see it." Kacie whined while following me. "Because you have errands to run that day anyways." I placed my cup in the sink. "hmmmmmmmmm... fine just make sure its cool and actually has the pool." she said heading to the bathroom to shower. 

 I went back into my room and got ready to go to bed I heard Kacie leave the bathroom and i went to brush my teeth and lay down in my soon to not be my room and fall asleep after sometime.

~ Welp guess I'm rewriting this after all I think I'm going to have more chapters in this than there is now when I'm done. I'm going to try and keep the publishing time reasonable and not super spread out but no promises I have a lot of other things so this can be on hold for long periods of time some times. Please tell me if you think this is better than before. I think it is but i could be wrong also I'm going to try and keep this light hearted. Don't wanna hit ya in the feels quiet yet.~


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