Ch.8 Brunch in the mall

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     Y/n's POV
Aaron and I had watched two cheesy rom coms before we both feel asleep on his couch for the night.

I woke up a bit before him this morning. I stood up to stretch out and turned around to make sure I didn't accidentally wake him up. He was laying with his back pressed into the couch while one of his arms rested under his head.
  I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture to send to him; "Sleeping Beauty snores". I added an annoyed looking emoji for dramatic effect and sent it to Aaron's phone so he could see it when he woke up. I actually liked the picture so I just kept it in my camera roll.
  I decided that was enough joking around and decided to get some food out of his fridge. I padded across his cold flooring into his kitchen.

   '9:14' The soft blue light on Aaron's microwave was displayed near his pantry. I went back to see what he had in there.

   The breakfast items only consisted of cereal and brown sugar pop tarts. 'I'm feeling a fancier meal, maybe Aaron has ingredients laying around.' I made my way out of the pantry and towards the fridge.

  I pulled open the refrigerator to be meet with the most sorry sight of a fridge. Aaron had barley a glass worthy amount of orange juice, a box of granola bars he deemed to be kept cool, and a leftover box from a takeout burger place he ate at often.

   "This is the options? This guys got to go shopping." I closed the doors to the refrigerator and walked past Aaron, who was still sleeping on the couch, to go upstairs and change.

  I packed some ripped jeans with a long sleeve shirt and cute jacket so I wouldn't be cold. I got dressed and quickly did my morning routine just as Aaron walked into the room.

  "Where are you off to this soon on a Saturday?" he had a rasp to his voice completely giving away he probably hasn't been up for at least five minutes.

   "We. Are going to the mall for some breakfast, Dante and Travis mentioned that smoothie bar there and we can get a sandwich or something from one of the stands." I had put extra emphasis on the "We" so he can get the hint to get dressed soon.

"We could go to a nicer place for breakfast. What's so cool in the mall?" He made his way to his dresser to pick out clothes.

  "Thought it might be fun to shop, besides we can do some fun shopping there and go get you groceries later so you don't starve to death in this house." I joked walking over to his bed to sit down.

He gathered up his choice of clothes and walked toward me. He set his clothes down on the bed and fished out his phone from his pajama pants pocket.

"Well this, Aka sleeping beauty," he flashed the picture I took of him this morning towards me, "is in the best condition of their life and you are making fun of his snacks."

  "Refrigerated granola bars are not a snack, and that orange juice is pathetic." I rolled my eyes at his use of the nickname from the text I sent him that morning. He let out a small laugh.

  "Maybe I can just go over to your house more often and use your food." He gathered up his clothes and made his way to the bathroom to change.

   "Like I would ever consider letting your dumb self in my house!" I joked and he let out a laugh from the hallway before closing the bathroom door.

  'He could come see me anytime and I would never be upset about it, I am a lier and would let him into my house.'

    The mall was a twenty minute drive from the neighborhood. The top floor was where majority of the stores where located, the lower floor had a decent size food court and that smoothie bar.

Binding love(Aaron x reader mystreet ) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now