Just a servant to you||Hangover and random teleportation

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Cross groaned, his head pounded viciously, as if Chara was holding their emo metal rock band concert again.

"You're awake." He opened his eyes just in time to be greeted by Dream throwing open the shades, letting a painful Ray of sunshine directly into Cross's eyes, burning his retinas to a crisp.

Cross screeched, turning over and covering himself with covers. Before realizing he didn't know where he was.

He sat up rather quickly, thankful that his shirt was on and nothing seemed to be missing. His jacket was lying rather neatly on a chair in the corner of the room.

"Where am I." The question coming out much more like a demand than an question. He narrowed his eyes at the figure still standing at the windows. He didn't remember anything other than talking to Khloe.

"And who the hell are you?!" He screamed, kicking away the sheets, quickly hopping out of the bed and throwing on his jacket. All signs of just momentarily been passed out to the closest thing to death had disappeared.

Face to face with the older Cross realized how tall the older actually was.

The older only responded with cold eyes, motioning for Cross to follow him as they exited the room.

The place Dream had made Cross follow him through reminded Cross of Nightmare's castle. Regret and relief filling up his soul at finally letting the years of pent up frustration, one sided feelings, and tears out.

Cross closed his eyes, sighing before opening them again and continuing to follow the taller.

Dream opened a rather large door, showing Cross a view he'd never forget.

His mind stirred in response to the intake of the sight, his eyes flashing as memories flooded back. His eyes welled with tears.


YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH IT MEAMS TO ME TO GET TO 900 I literally ugly sobbed on my way to school I cried when I got to 906 thank you guys so much.

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