Just a servant to you||Commitment

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Cross didn't know where he teleported to.

Nor did he care.

Tears dripped down his eyes and stained his cheeks, his pin pricks gone and in his hollow eyes a look only too many knew.




And depression.

Mental abuse tormented Cross to the point where he was too scared to even trust himself. Chara did their best but couldn't do much. He continued to trudge through the snow as he felt a warmth, he looked up a light ahead.

A town.

A new beginning if they already didn't know him.

There was something cold about the warmth and happiness about the light.

But Cross didn't care he had spent 3 long years in the dark and he wasn't having any of it.

But Cross should have taken note of the coldness. For in the shadows someone lurked and someone watched.

And for once it wasn't Nightmare.

The light came from a bar, Funby's, the sign nailed on read. Nightmare had told him of Grillby's and how every AU had a different version, same and different as the original.

He opened the door making sure to wipe his cheeks before cautiously stepping into be met with music, dancing, and laughing. Though the coldness still remained Cross smiled, a true smile of happiness, but emotions are distracting from the things you really need to pay attention too.

He waddled down to the bar, the warmth already melting the snow on his coat and boots. Cross had always been a tad bit fragile, scared of the cold but determination and hours of training out in freezing temperatures made him tougher against snow. Though he never really got over his fear of cold, hence the jacket.

A female quickly took notice of him, and walked over sitting down next to him.

"Hi!" She greeted sticking out her hand and shaking Cross's very hard, "It's nice to finally meet ya Cross!" Her grin inviting and her eyes warm though Cross felt like they hid secrets.

"Excuse me. Do I know you?"

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself!" She giggled and Cross immediately noticed her childlike personality and her friendly attitude.

"I'm Khloe! Khloe at your service!"

Loyalty & Love {Crossmare // COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now