Just a servant to you||Dream's gone crazy.

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During the tournament—

Khloe crept into the castle, her tiny feet gently pattering down a staircase into a cold, dark, damp jail.

She pushed open the rotting door and was met by groans and screams of pain, torment, and other sounds that only screamed insanity. Nightmare had used a cruel form of torture on his prisoners, a form known in the world hidden by shadows as Insanity torture.

It meant exactly what it's name meant.

A spell cast for everlasting regret, insanity, and heartbreak on the person it was cast on. It was dangerous, and was banned and nearly erased from existence except from the fact of spell makers who knew about the spell.

She did her best to try and block out the screams and she took a deep breath, stepping into the dungeon on shaking legs, ignoring the stares burning into her soul and the pleads for help.

"Please! I just want to see my family!"

"... Please.... My child... SHE'S ONLY 4!"

"... Help.."

"My sisters... Please, I need to help, me sisters!"

Khloe froze at the last one, in front of a cage, a girl cowering in the corner, sobbing into her hand and muttering about her sisters.

For a second Khloe hesitated, she knew the girls sister were already dead, age stopped during the spell so you could suffer for eternity. But the fact that she was so much like her made her hesitate, and wonder if she could give the girl a better life.

Outside of the cage.

She paused, her breath hitching in her throat unknowingly as she watched the girl. Instead of freeing her she walked away, pulling the hood of her cloak over her eyes and walking away, her pace much faster.

She ignored her wails and focused on what she came here for.

It wouldn't be long before Nightmare noticed her presence.

Her foot steps skittered on the floor, as she entered a stone room at the end of the hallway, normally it would have been covered in guards but due to the tournament it was empty.

She stepped in, shutting the door behind her with a softer bang and cold air immediately began to fill the room. A light shone in the middle of the room, illuminating a 'statue'.

Her eyes widened in happiness and her plump pink lips curled up in happiness as words escaped her mouth.

"Dream... I've found you."

This is complicated, Khloe looks like she's 12, but she's 16 (legal to have sex in some places)

She also has a special connection to dream if you can guess it.

Okay, remember the fact about the spell that Dream was out under like the rest of the prisoners.

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