Just a Servant to you||The Tournament

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Cross groaned flipping onto his side, "A few more years," He was allowed to be disrespectful it wasn't Nightmare, Nightmare would have just shaken him awake with his tentacles.

"Cross, sir. Lord Nightmare is waiting," Cross's eyes shot open. He knew that voice, it was Burn. She would immediately tell Nightmare.

Stupid tattle tale.

"I'll be right there!"

He shot up like a rocket and staggered onto his feet throwing on his fluffy white jacket and shorts before bursting out the door.

"Cross!" Nightmare's voice echoed through the halls, "Coming, sir!"

He ran towards the throne room, "Sir." Cross bowed his head and nodded respectfully facing Nightmare who was sitting on his throne.

"Cross the tournament is about to begin."

"Sorry sir I was asleep." It was better just coming out with the truth Cross figured that out on the first day when he stole some chocolate.

Hey, he might have been on his period. You don't know.

"Go outside to the garden. Be careful."

Cross nodded and walked down the hall towards the garden. He heard Nightmare teleport and the sound of cheering.

"Our first contestants!" He opened the door and was met by cheering and happy faces. "Cross!"

"And....... Drum roll please!"

"D.... Du- Duluth?" The name was pronounced in confusion. Snickers spread across the crowd. Cross would have started snickering, if it wasn't for the feeling of Nightmare's stare on him.

He had a feeling he shouldn't mess up.

"May the best fighter win!"


Cross stayed still, he didn't want to waste energy or magic on trash like this.

The crowd started murmuring.

"Why's he not moving?"

"I don't know! Don't ask me!"

Duluth charged at Cross, he looked like a cross between a ghost and a wolf. He seemed to be a bit transparent and used a knife.

"Nice knife you got there," Cross complimented, inspecting the knife as he easily dodged it.

It wasn't anything grand honestly, probably something he used to kill his mom. Or try to, he was attacking like a mouse. His mother would have more balls then him.

Duluth grunted and swung at him again, Cross dodged and looked at Nightmare.

Nightmare snapped and he instantly got the message, Cross snapped and summoned his knife quickly ending the ghost wolf without a second to spare or a drop of blood on him.

The cheering intensified, but Cross looked towards Nightmare for a look of happiness or support. But Nightmare just looked bored.

"The next contestant!"

A froggit hopped into the arena. Everyone burst out laughing, froggits were the easiest to kill. They were good for L.O.V.E.

Cross turned to Nightmare and to his satisfaction there was a smile of unsettling cruelty plastered on his face. His one eyes glowing and focused on the show.

Cross would make this quick.

Anything for Nightmare to enjoy the show, "W-Well! May the b-best fighter w-win."

Cross grinned pulling his hoodie up to the point it hugged his head snugly, he darted at the froggit his eye flashing red and swinging down his sword.

The froggit disappearing into the air in a poof of dust as Nightmare nodded in approval as Cross grinned, he had done well.

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