District 2 Female Taken

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Wattpad Username: OliviaBinfield

Tribute Name: Isla Weylyn

District: 2

Age: 17

Appearance: Long, flowing, stark Raven black hair pieced together with pale, porcelain skin. She has gorgeous vivid blue eyes that seem to gaze at you and stare at your soul, eyes that seem to dissect your mind and discover everything about you. Isla is considered a beauty of her District, with her beautiful long black hair and absolutely stunning blue eyes.

Personality: Smart and sarcastic, Isla is intelligent and feisty, a bull-headed and stubborn young lady. She's extremely headstrong and determined, refusing to listen to other people and always thinking that she is right and no one else is. She loves solving puzzles however, and even though her District, being Career, often disregards mental strength, Isla values both mental and physical strength equally. She is a tad vain, true, but she is also thoughtful, logical, and yes, even a bit bloodthirsty. She hates being ignored and tossed aside with little thought, however, so she loves making as much of a grand spectacle of things as she can, striving to do things creatively and in a mind-blowing way, striving hard to stand out from the crowd.

Strengths: Isla has trained her whole life for the games, studying it and learning about it. One might call her a Hunger Games Nerd, for all that she loves about it. She has extreme prowess and skill at using several different types of blades, and she is also very intelligent. She also has good survival skills.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, however, Isla has her let downs. Due to her stubbornness and defiance, she can sometimes refuse to listen to reason and let her pride be her undoing. She's also hopeless at using a crossbow, she can never seem to get it right. In addition to all that, because of her drive to stand out, when killing she takes her time with it, making it drag on, meaning she can go quite over the top. This elaborate murder of hers can often turn out to take too much of her
time and is a bit of a waste of energy, when compared to simple kills like decapitation.

Looking for in an allegiance: Someone smart, but also strong and with good physical & survival skills. She wants someone who she trusts won't betray her and stab her in the back, and she wouldn't betray her ally either, unless her ally made a move against her first. She doesn't care about appearance, gender or District, only their skill and what they could offer Isla, and that they will have her back, as she will have theirs.

Anything else: Isla volunteered, because of her sheer love for the games

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