Darkness and Lightness- Chapter 29- "Strong Like A Dragon"

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SWEET JESUS IS THIS CHAPTER SAD OK JUST WARNING YOU. okay, anyways, thanks for reading! vote comment whatevs!! thanks guys!! <33333

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Delia's POV

"Come on, Felix," I replied, grabbing his arm and pulling. He was so loopy he barely wanted to lay down and go to sleep. Whatever was in those drugs they gave him for the pain, it either made him crazy or horny, because he was all over me like glitter on a stripper.

The twins were in bed and asleep, and Felix was next.

His hands strayed up to my boobs and squished gently, causing me to bite the inside of my cheek to surpress a moan. I didn't want to spur him on. I was getting this boy to bed, and soon. "They're so squishy!!" Felix said, his face one of glee.

I laughed out loud, and pulled his shirt over his head, running my hand gently over the scar on his stomach. Felix shivered when my fingertips brushed the lightly raised and rough surface of the scar, and I smiled, kissing the scar gently, then lifting my head and unzipping his skinny jeans to pull them off.

He smirked at me, the mischievous Felix twinkle in his eye. "Shouldn't you buy me dinner first, babe?" Felix asked me, winking flirtily. 

I rolled my eyes and wadded up the jeans and shirt to throw them in the dirty clothes hamper, and chuckled at his antics. As I walked up to him to kiss him goodnight, he looped his hand around my waist and whispered in my ear, "You should get a tattoo."

I shook my head adamantly. I was attracted to tattoos on guys, but no way in hell was I gonna get one on my own body.

He looked at me seriously. "Please. I'll... I'll go to a doctor about medicine if you get a tattoo. Tomorrow."

My eyes went wide. That changed it. "Deal," I replied. "But why do you want to go so bad tomorrow?"

Felix grinned like a madman and closed his eyes gently. "Because I'm getting gauges" he whispered before drifting into a deep sleep.

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I held Bennett and Kyra on my lap as they sat engrossed in Ni Hao Kai Lan. Felix stumbled in, rubbing his stubbly face gently. He was still just in his boxers, and his face had like eleven o' clock shadow. His bangs were hanging in his eyes, and he rubbed his eyes, running into a wall. Felix's cast was on his arm, and he had on his ankle brace.

"Fucking wall," he mumbled, and was about to kick it until he realized his ankle was fractured.

I chuckled at him. "Morning sleepyhead."

Felix turned to me, the darkness in his eyes replaced with light when he looked at me. Bennett saw him and squealed, yelling out happily, "Dada!"

Felix's eyes went wide, and he screeched, "HOLY SHIT HOLY FUCKBAG SHIT! Dada is right, princess!"

He ran over to me and swooped Bennett up in his arms, kissing her all over her cheeks. She giggled, grabbing fistfuls of his hair and pulling and he hugged her tightly. I smiled at the adorable scene, and Kyra turned around, nestling her face into my neck.

Felix looked at me and grinned. "First words," he whispered, snuggling Bennett to his chest. Kyra began to whimper lightly, and I knew they were hungry. I walked to Felix and pulled Bennett out of his arms, carrying them into the kitchen. Bennett began sobbing and screaming uncontrollably as Felix stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watching the twins as I fed them.

His face twisted into one of pain as she screeched out, "Dada!!" He began to walk into the kitchen and I turned instantly, shooting him daggers with my eyes, and he backed away.

Felix knew that I preferred to let them cry it out, but he was definitely the opposite. If either one of the girls even opened there mouth to cry for him, he would swoop in like the Superdad he was and take care of them.

We had a great deal of arguements over letting them cry it out or not, but Felix knew that he wasn't allowed to fuck with me when I was getting them bottles. 

Felix stepped back some more, and told me, "I made an appointment with the tattoo parlour. It's at 5  PM. You have an idea of what you want?"

I nodded and my eyes welled up with tears a little at the thought of what the tattoo was. I had never told anyone the story behind the Dragon, and I wasn't going to. Not today, at least.

Felix looked at me with a concerned look in his eyes, and when he stepped closer, I gave him the Look again, and he backed away once more.

"Is everything okay?" Felix's voice rumbled, low and husky.

I shook my head, wiping tears with the back of my hand.

It seemed like yesterday.

Delia's POV

My mother's hand touched my shoulder gently, rubbing. I pulled away quickly, running down the road we had been walking on. I was going back to see her one last time. As I ran, the late December wind whipped against my cheeks, slapping my face and leaving me flushed.

My black shoes became scuffed as I ran, and I pulled them off, throwing them into a nearby stormdrain. Isadora had always hated shoes. She ran barefoot, and the bottom of her feet were always ashen from the dirt. Her mom would yell at her for tracking black onto the white carpet. Most people would consider it anger, but Isa and I always knew that the nagging was just her mom's way of showing plain old affection. 

My toes squished into the mud, sticky and cold from the days of snow melting.

Suddenly I saw the black, rusted gate and I swung it open, running into the lush green grass.

Then I saw it. A white as snow coffin, sitting upon a tall black pedastal.

The headstone was already in the ground. In flowy, beautiful font (just like Isa liked) it read "Isadora Paige: July 6th, 1993-December 23rd, 2009. A daughter and best friend taken away too soon."

I fell to my knees, tears welling up in my eyes.

I pulled out a drawing of a dragon and opened up the coffin, putting it into Isa's cold, dead arms.

Then I remembered back to when we drew it.

"I'm strong like a dragon, Dell. Nothing can hurt me. We're strong and beautiful and we can get skinny together," Isa told me. We sliced our fingers and pressed them together, saying that we would be best friends forever.

Her words echoed in my head.

"I'm strong like a dragon, Dell... Nothing can hurt me..."

Something could hurt you.

Isa, in the end, the only thing that hurt you?

Was you.


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