7: Persuasion

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7: Persuasion


"Staying the night in Seattle right?" Louis asks one of the security guards who nods quickly. If they are staying overnight that means that we can hitch a ride in the morning.

God what am I doing? I'm not a major fan like Em I could find better things to do. Like what? I guess is my only choice for the time being.

"Sooo.... We just crash the car?" I ask Em, jumping into the passengers seat.

"Yup." She takes out her phone before she starts the car. "See? Just google search how to fake your death. This will be the last time using cell phones." I nod cautiously and reach over to power off my cell phone but before I do I text my mom.

To Mom:

I love you mom I'm sorry if I cause any trouble. You will understand it later. God has better things planned for me. I'll always be with you.

I hit send and it feels as if a lightning bolt runs through my seemingly frail body.

I can't bring myself to turn off my phone. Sky parks near the forest reserve that has an abrupt drop off and sighs,"I'll always love this car."

She gets out of the car and grabs a heavy stone and places on her seat. Her idea is probably to start the engine then put the rock so it can blast away. She reaches in and grabs her CDs and puts them in her small purse.

She puts the car into drive and it moves slightly from the lack of any brake pressure. By taking the rock of the seat and putting in on the gas the weight shifts forward and James Franco takes off. Never to be seen again. We both run to the edge to watch it tumble to smithereens.

Suddenly, my phone makes my ringtone of typewriters and I hesitantly take it out. Mom is calling. I ignore it and bite my lip seeing that she is leaving a message. Em reaches to snatch my phone but I place the phone against my ear and listen to her message,"Sky, suicide is not the answer. I love you too much. Please just come home. Please I love you." Her voice breaks at the end and chills run through my body.

In my weak state, she steals the phone and throws it off the cliff, taking hers with it. My mouth flies open at the sight and I screech slightly. "Hey. Step three of the e-how explanation on how to fake your death." Only Em would really google search how to do something like that.

"Well what now Genius Em? We are across town and have no transport."

"There's a bus station half a block away. It can take us there."


Eventually, we get back tithe apartment building but I freeze staring at it. My mom was at work, I could hear the noises in the background. She's going to try to get home.

How can I do this to her? She already lost one child and now another? She's going to hit the breaking point. Could she try to kill herself out of misery? Feeling so pitiful and worthless will bring anyone to the verge of suicide.

I open the door of my flat to see no one is home, thank god. Em rushes around the living room, trying to think of what to bring. She runs to my closet to change her clothes and changes into her favorite shirt of perry the platypus that she left a week ago and capris. Who even knows how cold or warm it will get? Better to stay in between.

I grab a similar outfit and we both take trainers because we are the same shoe size. She places a jacket around her waist and takes her purse and tries to put some deodorant in it.

"Em. How are you able to take that? It's not like the boys are used to floating purses all around. "I hate to say you are right." The capris that she is wearing are more like cargo pants and so she puts in samples of perfume in one pouch along with chap stick and a small deodorant in the other. Em can be quite obsessed with smelling nice. I put five or six black hair bands on my wrist and some of my favorite woven bracelets from the native american reservation nearby.

I take my iPod nano with ear buds and stick it in my back pocket. It doesn't give out any signal do I figure I'm okay. I stare at my cat and she gives me a look as if she understands.

I bend down on my knees and she runs into my arms. She may be a bitch to most people but she's the one friend I have always had. Yeah, but she's just a cat. I give her a squeeze and she begins to purr but stops as stops when Em enters the room.

"Your taking your nano? I'll take my shuffle then." She only used it when she went to the gym which was only on the weekends. Her key still sits in her hand but she knows she can't go home without her mom noticing. I guess it's a good thing she stayed the night because all her necessities are here. I use my key to lock the door as we leave, realizing it's for forever.

I'm officially dead. Never thought I would actually realize my death. It's not as bad as it seems, I promise. "It's a new life," I hoarsely whisper to myself as I open the elevator door and it opens up to reveal my mom, her short brown hair in disarray as if she were trying to pull it out the entire car way home.

Her brown eyes are black around she edges, smudged with tears and mascara. My mouth drops when I see her. Sure, she's aggravated me on most days this past year because she's been so selfish but she really doesn't deserve this.

"Mom," I whisper in a voice that sounds hollow and dead, just like I'm supposed to be. Her head lifts, hearing my tone. "S-S-Sky?" she asks, voice faltering through a new stream of tears clouding her already bloodshot eyes.

"Hi." I whisper and place my hand on her shoulder to hear her whimper. Sky cuts her throat with her index finger, trying to convince me to stop, knowing that I'm just causing her more pain.

She reaches out, trying to grab me, an invisible figure in the shadows. "S-Sky i-is it true? Did you really kill yourself."

"No. It was umm... God." I manage to get out, trying to fabricate a story to put her at ease in her faith.

"God?" she questions curiously, knowing I never have had much faith. "Yes. He needs me. He has plans for me."

"But Sky. I can't be without you. Your all alone." I nod, tears forming into my eyes as Em faces the wall, trying to give us at least an ounce of privacy. I virtually feel my heart crackling at her pain.

"I'm here with you mom. I will visit you. God has a plan for you too." I lie, slightly wincing at it.

"Stay strong mom. I love you." My voice breaks again and I throw my arms around her and she jumps from the fact that she can feel me as if I were real. I am real. I kiss her cheek and take the stairs down, an uncommon task for an uncommon day.

"Back to the bus we go I guess," I say to Em as we sneak onto the bus when someone else gets the doors to open. I would prefer to convince myself that I'm a damn good ninja than a worthless invisible girl but I just can't do it.


Okay I'm going to admit that this chapter was really hard to write. I usually put a piece of my character or my life into my characters and Sky has the most of me in this story. It's just difficult but I got over it.

I love all of you that vote and comment.

Your comments are especially the best EVER.

You guys are the greatest fans a girl could have. Please comment more because this is my first paranormal and I want to make sure it's not too abstract...


I really need a good cover for this.

I mean I REALLLLLYY need one.

If you can make a good cover for this story I will give you shoutouts and dedications for a week. It's worth it I promise.

Just send your covers to tess4mimi@gmail.com


As always, follow me on twitter @brilliant_liam

On Instagram at @1direction_connection

Or kik me at mimster1D because I always need some encouragement.

Thank you for your support.

~ Millennia

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