Chapter Five: Pranks, a Dog, and Chopstick Failure

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   I yawned as I got up in the morning. Checking the clock revealed that it was just ten twenty in the morning; I was up early for a change. Getting up and changed into a long sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans with a pair of dark blue socks on my feet I unlocked my door.

   Stepping out into the hallway I noticed that Val and Chance’s door was closed. After that little discovery I also noticed the scent of pancakes wafting throughout the house. My mouth watered almost uncontrollably; who was cooking?

   Making my way into the kitchen I saw Andy standing there flipping pancakes on a griddle while humming a tune. Leaning in the doorway I had to keep myself from chuckling because he was also dancing around a little. Seriously, this dude was really getting into it.

   Andy twirled around and saw me standing there smirking. Stopping he wobbled a little and had to catch himself before he fell. Laughing I went over and grabbed up the spatula from him; “Wonderful gracefulness Mr. Gazelle legs.” I said while flipping the batter on the griddle.

“Hey I’ll have you know I’m very graceful.”

“Mhm, not from what I just saw.”

“What are you doing up anyways?”

“I slept enough, why do you ask?”

“Just wondering since yesterday you slept almost to one.”

Flipping the finished pancakes onto the plate beside the griddle I began to put more batter on, “So I didn’t know you could make breakfast; Chance always burns it when he cooks.”

“With being on the road with four other guys you learn to cook.”

   Laughing I finished the pancakes and set the plate on the table. Turning around to get the syrup I had flour thrown in my face. Sputtering I glared at him as the powder fell from my face; he was so gonna get it. Andy was laughing hard on the floor while holding his stomach.

   Taking advantage of this I got the spray nozzle from the sink and turned on the water. Turning around I grinned at his suddenly shocked face as I pointed the nozzle at him. “You started this.” I stated. Squeezing down on the nozzle water shot out all over him as he scrambled out of the way. Lengthening the hose I went as far as possible to catch him with it until he ran out of the room.

   Chuckling I replaced the hose and tried to wipe the flour off of my face and out of my hair. Hearing footsteps I saw Andy peeking back into the kitchen, “Are we good now?” He asked. Giggling I nodded and motioned for him to get in here already. Cautiously he came into the kitchen; looking around for some unseen threat.

   Shaking my head and chuckling I watched as he finally sat down in the chair next to me at the huge dining room table. Looking at me he opened his mouth to ask my something but I reacted quickly. Taking a bit of flower from the jar that I had in my lap I tossed flour onto his face and even made it into his mouth. He coughed and hacked while trying to spit all of the flour out while I laughed my ass off; that was priceless.

“You are evil!” He gasped.

“Now we are even.”

“Flour is nasty.”

“Then you shouldn’t have started that war.”

“Ugh you win, you win.”

   I grinned and ruffled his flour covered hair before digging into breakfast. He pouted at me for a bit but soon enough he dug in too. We devoured the pancakes with little to no problem before sitting back and sighing; that was good.

   Taking the dishes I began to scrape them while putting the dishes into the dishwasher. Andy who refused to get anywhere near me while I was by the sink was putting up everything else. He was wiping down the table when I finally finished putting everything in the dishwasher and starting it up. Once that was finished I turned back to Andy who was just sort of staring.

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