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As we ran, I noticed Jeremiah stumbling. "Are you hurt?" I asked, worriedly. He shook his head. "Nope just really clumsy." He stumbled on a stick, but regained his posture, continuing to sprint. The garden was beautiful. Shu had told me in great detail, but my imagination wasn't this good. I had to hold myself back from just stopping and looking around. Which i would totally do IF we weren't being chased down by my vampire boyfriends brother who is trying to kill us just for the fun of it. We took different turns and somehow ended up at the back of the house.
"Do you think we lost him?" Sam asked as I looked at her. We all stopped to catch our breath.  I shrugged and looked around. "I don't know, but we should keep running until we see Shu." They both nodded in agreement and we began to sprint off again, making my way to the front of the mansion.
I froze in horror as we came face to face with Laito, who was standing a good 100ft away near a fountain. We all almost failed to stop ourselves from colliding into him. Turning around to run away from the perverted vampire, all hope of escape drained from my mind. Reiji stood there, angered. His eyes pierced through my lungs, it seemed. As his dark evil eyes stared into mine, all air passages to my body stopped, I found it hard to breathe. His arms crossed on his chest and his straight stance made him all the more scary. He growled and pushed his glasses up with his middle finger. Yet, the only thought that crossed my mind was, what happened to Shu?
Again, he looked over the group of three. "You humans are so... Aggravating." He suddenly moved faster than any human or creature I had ever seen. He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me a foot into the air. If I couldnt breathe before, I definitely could now. I heard multiple gasps that came from the mouths of Jeremiah and Sam. "You never just listen even if your life depands on it." He whispered dangerously low in my ear, making my spine shiver. He pulled his face away and lifted me higher. Gravity caused me to press onto his hand a lot harder. It was a blur but I remember Jeremiah running into Reiji, not making him budge. Whatever Jeremiah planned to do, it worked. "Hey, its me you want. Leave her the fuck out of this!" Jeremiah stated. Reiji shook him head, looking at me again. I was getting dizzy from lack of oxygen. He head tilted a little, a obvious smirk lined his lips. He shrugged and dropped me, leaving his hand in the air like he had been holding nothing. The impact hurt, but I could breathe. I panted, slowly regaining the air I lacked. As I glanced up, my eyes widened. Reiji slowly stalked to Jeremiah, chuckling. Moving from side to side in a graceful way.
He was teasing.

Playing with his food.

Jeremiah took note of this and looked over at Sam, who had come over to help me. He looked at Laito, whom was also walking to him. Something snapped in his eyes as he ran at Reiji and tackled him to the ground. He was caught by surprise and fell back. Jeremiah tried punching him, but Reiji turned the tables and filled them over, punching Jeremiah back. It was weird not seeing Reiji calm and collected. Jeremiah looked at us and mouthed, "Run. Now." Fear and sadness ran up my spine as I took in the situation. We had no choice but to run. Jeremiah was only buying us time, being bloodied in the face by Reiji's forceful punches. I looked at Sam, tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes wide in fear. She knew what would happen the moment we run.

Jeremiah would be killed.

I rushed closer to Sam and attempted to guide her away. "We have to go! Jeremiah is buying us time!" Sam shook her head, eyes never leaving the boy who was pinned to the ground. "No! We can't!" I sighed in frustration. "We have to!" Then everything went silent. No grunts or growls. Sounds of struggle faded out. My eyes widened as I looked over to fight.
Jeremiah stopped fighting. He stopped trying to push and punch back. His face fell to the side, as he looked up, blood dripping off his nose and chin. After the small movement of his glance, his eyes didn't blink or look around again. His body went limp and his eyes drained of the sparkle they always had. His chest seemed to stop moving as Reiji stood up, smiling down at our friend. His hands and outfit were covered in the beautiful red that ran through Jeremiahs veins. Laito chuckled and kicked Jeremiahs hand that no laid out stretched and limp. Sam let out a deafening scream. I quickly grabbed her arm and ran. Tears streamed down my face.
As we ran, I couldn't help but let out a few screams myself. A mixture of emotions filled my body like a flood. I screamed and screamed as we sprinted away. Nothing could bring him back. Those bastards took him away.
I suddenly tripped, but instead of quickly getting up, I stayed there. Sobbing loudly. Sam fell on her knees next to me. Her cries we're a lot more loud. She screamed his name. Her lovers name could be heard for miles. I tried to wipe the tears from my face but more and more flooded out. It was hard to breathe. Every time I tried to get my lungs full of air, my sobs would stop me. I watched the ground cursing to any and all gods. Why would they let this happen?!
"Y/n? Sam?" I heard a familiar voice ask as they came closer. I didn't look up. Shu kneeled down and touched my shoulder. "Whats wrong?" He asked and paused. "Where's Jeremiah?"
I looked up and his eyes widened its almost like he saw the whole event play out in my eyes. He cursed and ran his hand through his hair. Tears appeared in his eyes.
"Damn it." He mumbled.

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