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The week by fast. Shu never talked to me or even looked at me. I was kinda disappointed.
As I walked into my last class of the day, Shu was already sitting at his desk. I whispered to Sam that I was going to sit with someone else for the class. She nodded and went to sit in our usual seats. I skipped to Shu's desk and sat next to him. I knew fully well no one sat here. He looked up at me and gave me a 'what the hell are you doing' look. I smiled and I felt my face flush. Damn it. "I want to be friends." I blurted out. He looked shocked. "No." He glared at me for a moment then looked away. "Why?" I pouted. For some reason, I wanted to cry. "I'm dangerous. Trust me." I rolled my eyes. "How so?" He shook his head. Right as he was about to speak the teacher walked in and immediately started the lesson. Through out the class, Shu and I wrote notes to each other.
Shu:If my brothers found out I have a friend, I'm afraid they might hurt them. Well, I'm more worried about my brother Reiji.
Me: Why? What makes you say that?
Shu: I'm only telling you this because I'm afraid of your getting hurt. When I was young, I had a friend and Reiji did something horrible to him.
Me:Well, we can keep it secret.
Shu: If you're so willing to risk your life to be my friend, then fine, but I warned you.
The rest of class was boring. Shu kept glancing at me and I'd smiled at him. Finally class ended. Shu stopped me before I could leave. "D-did you walk today?" He asked. Did he stutter? I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Would you like to walk with me?" He nodded slightly. We escaped the hell hole called school and stalked to my house. On our way there, Shu told me that him and Reiji had the same mother, but the others had different mothers. I joked about his dad liking sex and he chuckled along. He also told me how he was called a 'Lazyass' in his house. I could see it. He seemed like someone who'd lay around listening to music. He was talking most of the time. He told me about his family and things he likes. For example, his brothers don't know, but he has an extreme sweet tooth.
As we came up to my front door, I turned to him. "Want to come in for coffee or a sandwich?" Shu smiled slightly. My heart skipped a beat and my face became hot. I have never seen him smile. Sure, he has chuckled a few times but that was for a half second. "Sure." He replied. I stumbled with the key, but eventually opened the door. We walked in and I lead him to the couch. "Sit. I'll be back." I walked into the kitchen and fixed us coffee and sandwiches. I couldn't offer much with my salary, but I always had stuff to make sandwiches. I brought them out for him and he gratefully took them. I sat next to him on the couch. He ate slowly. "Y/n. Why is it that I'm so attracted to you?" I started freaking out mentally. "I mean, I never really wanted to be friends with people, let alone talk to anyone." He smiled. I smiled back even though I was dying. Shu looked in my eyes then looked away. "I want you to stay away from all my family." My smile disappeared. I thought Reiji was the only one he was worried about. He must've seen the confusion on my face. "They are all dangerous. What Laito did that one time is the least of your worries. If any of them get their hands on you....." he looked mad. "You won't last long." He moved closer to me on the couch. "I won't let them touch you though. I promise." I looked into his eyes. God. I loved the shade of blue they were. "What do you mean they'll hurt me?" He shook his head. "I'll tell you at some point. Right now, I don't want you to worry too much." We both were silent for a second. Shu stood up. "Well, thank you for the sandwich and coffee, but I must go." I nodded, still silent. I walked with him to the door. I hugged him and after a while he hugged me back. He left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Fuck. How am I falling for him even though I've only known him for a couple weeks?

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