9 (xxx)

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A/n! Okay so I found out that I had a BUNCH of things wrong with me over the last few weeks and that most of them were because of the really shitty weather here. I ended up spending 6 days in the hospital (Not including the 9 hours waiting in the Emergency room with an 105 temp. I fucking hate Mercy sometimes.) But I have to take a breathing treatments, but thankfully I'm better now. Here's a little smutty chapter for the sinners.
Your pov...
As we walked inside, Shu kicked off his shoes and began to walk down the hall. "Lets get you into bed. You must be tired." He smiled at me. He put me down. I grinned back and shook my head. "Not really." I walked into the kitchen and began to grab mugs. "Would you like some coffee?" I asked. Shu stood in the doorway, leaning against the wall. He nodded as he watched my every move. The intense stare gave me goosebumps and it was, if I'm being completely honest, extremely hot. I shivered and tried to concentrate on making both of us drinks. 'Not now, y/n. You JUST made up with him.' I mentally slapped myself. I smiled a little as the coffee machine beeped and I grabbed the pot. I slowly poured the liquid into the mugs. I looked back and saw Shu had left. 'He's probably in the living room' I grabbed both mugs and began walking out of the kitchen. Sadly I didn't see a piece of clothing I must have forgotten to pick up and tripped. I fell and yelped as I felt the hot liquids from the mugs spill on me. I heard Shu get up and starting to head my way. I attempted to stand up quickly but squealed as I quickly brought my arm up from the floor and sat on my knees. I looked at my hand and saw a cut. Blood streamed out and some dripped onto my clothes. I held my hand to my shirt, not caring if it ruins it as long as it helps stop the bleeding. I looked down and saw one of the mugs had broke. I looked up and Shu stood in the hallway staring wide eyed at me. He stood there for a minute then slowly started walking to me. When he was in front of me, he knelt down and grabbed my hand softly. He looked at it for a second. "It doesn't look like there's any glass in the cut." He stood up and picked me up bridal style. I blushed and tried to get down. "Calm down. I'm taking you to the living room to help you. You might get hurt again if you stay in here. I'll clean it up when your taken care of." He walked us into the living room and sat me on the couch. He grabbed a first aid I kept on a table and sat down next to me. He grabbed my hand again, but froze. He looked me in the eyes and smirked. He brought my hand up to his mouth and licked along the cut. I blushed and tried to take my hand back, but couldn't. He closed his eyes and groaned. "You're so fucking sweet." He licked my hand again. He didn't stop until my hand was clean. He grabbed a bandage and wrapped up my hand. "This will do for now." He looked in my eyes again and smiled. I was flustered. He leaned forward and kissed me. I told myself not to give in but I couldn't help it. I kissed him back. We deepened the kiss and it wasn't long until he was on top of me, his legs on both sides of my waist, and one hand under my shirt groping my breast, while we heavily made out. He groaned and pulled back. "Shit, y/n." He looked down at his jeans and blushed. I followed his gaze, but quickly looked away. He had a huge dent in his pants. He grabbed my wrists and mumbled, "fuck it." He forced my hands above my head and leaned down to kiss my neck. He let go of my hands for a second and took my shirt off my body as quick as he could. All I could think as he kissed down my body and started unbuttoning my pants was 'This was going to be a long beautiful night.'

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