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Your POV....(warning sexual harassment is a big part of this chapter)
After the weekend, I went back to school, but when I showed up for my first class and sat down waiting for Shu, he never showed up. I thought maybe he's late, but he didn't show up to any of the classes. Around two weeks passed and there was no sign of him. His brothers were at school, but not him.
The bell rang for class to let out for the day, so I gathered my stuff and began heading out the door. As I was walking home, I felt like I was being followed. I mentally hoped it was Shu, but I was wrong. As I was walking past a building, a man grabbed my hips and slammed me against the wall. The impact was harsh against the concrete wall. Pain filled my body quickly. Tears appeared in my eyes. The man smirked. His fedora and semi-long hair wasn't hard to recognize. "Hello, beautiful~" He lowered his mouth to my neck and kissed it. I tried to scream, but he quickly brought his hand to my neck and made me be quiet. "One more sound out of that cute mouth of yours and I'll slit your throat." He growled, with that crazy smirk still plastered on his face.
He reached for my belt and I started panic. He smiled. "Don't worry. I'll make you feel better. I've seen how stressed you've been for the last few weeks." I tried to pull away, but I couldn't. He unbuttoned my pants and I closed my eyes. "Please stop." I whimpered. He continued, despite my pleases. Dying would be so much better than what he was planning. He squeazed my throat tighter. I began crying, preparing for the worst, but he suddenly dropped me. I coughed and tried to catch my breath. I heard yelling, but couldn't figure out who it was. When I calmed down I looked up. My eyes widened.
A tall man was holding Laito by the neck. He looked as if he was going to kill Laito. "Leave her alone, asshole."
The man had white hair with pink ends. I recognized him as the youngest of the Sakamaki's. Subaru.

Laito smiled and put his hands up in defeat. "Fine. Fine. I'll go home." (*insert Shane Dawson's face*) Subaru slowly let him down and Laito walked away as if nothing happened. I looked at the ground. How embarrassing. Subaru, Shu's younger brother, just saved my ass. "You should have just let him fucking kill me." I said to him. "I'm sure Shu would've liked that too." I mumbled underneath my breath. Subaru sighed. "I'd have to disagree with that. Shu would've gone on a murder rampage if Laito killed you." I looked up. "Really? Cause it sure seems like he's ignoring me now. You don't ignore someone you care about." I rolled my eyes. Subaru shrugged. "He is ignoring you, but that's not because he hates you." He looked up the sidewalk and groaned. "Speak of the devil." I looked up. Shu was stomping towards us. He saw me and his eyes widened. He growled as he approached us. "What did you do to her?!" Subaru put his hands up. "I didn't do this. Laito did. I just ran him off." Shu grabbed him by his shirt. " Then consider this as a warning." He turned around and faced me. He picked me up, while avoiding eye contact. He began walking away with me. "Where are we going?" I ask quietly. He smiled down at me. "I'm taking you home." I nodded and cuddled into his chest, thanking god he was in my life again. I don't exactly know why, but I started crying again. Shu held me closer. I whispered, "I'm so sorry for that night. Please, don't ignore me anymore." My voice was shaky as hell. Shu stopped and I looked at him. I was probably a mess. He leaned forward. Our forehead were touching and I could feel his breath speed up. We stayed there for a few minutes until he leaned his face forward and kissed me. I melted into it and he pulled away. He began walking again. "You're not going to leave me right away when we get there, right?" I asked, hopefully. He shook his head. "How could I leave my future girlfriend so quickly?" He smiled a little. I blushed. "Future?"
Shu smirked. "Unless you want to make it official now." I smiled. "Then it's official."

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