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Okay. So we had a winner, who's oneshot will be posted sometime tomorrow. The answer was Jeremiah is.... Me. It kinda seems weird, but I thought it'd be a good way for you guys to get to know me and for.... Well, you'll figure that out at some point. Anyways, back to the story.

We sat in the cafe, laughing and joking. Jeremiah seemed awkward when we first arrived, but he warmed up. Currently we were telling stories about stupid things we've done.
"You know, a few days ago, these two..." Sam pointed at Shu and me, giggling. "Broke y/n's bed having sex."
Jeremiahs eyes widened and he choked on his coffee. He quickly grabbed a napkin and put it to his face. He held the napkin to his nose.
Shu and I were flustered. Why would Sam say that? Then again, I haven't seen Jeremiah laugh this hard. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" He mumbled, but giggled after. When he recovered from spitting coffee from his nose, he looked at us. "Jesus, you guys take rough to another level." This time, I grinned at the joke.
"So tell me, Jeremiah, what do you like to do in your free time?" Shu asked. I've noticed how since we got here Jeremiah and Shu gave each other glares when the other wasn't watching. Jeremiah shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee while staring at the lid.
"Nothing much. I read a lot." Sam smiled. "Ooooh. What kinds of things do you like to read about?"
Jeremiah looked back up at us. His eyes looming over us before landing on Shu. "Vampires." He simply answered.
Shu moved uncombfortably, almost as if he was nervous. I glanced between the two of them. As I watched the two, I noticed how Jeremiah was nervous too. I sighed. "You know, don't you?" I asked. Jeremiah looked at me, in shock. "About what Shu is?"
Jeremiah was silent, but nodded. He looked at his lap. Shu crossed his arms on the table. "I won't hurt you, I promise."
"He really won't." Sam added. Jeremiah looked up looking over all of us.
"I know."

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