I've been tagged and I'm actually going to do it???

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Tagged by E

I don't normally do this, but ehhh. I'll do it.

1. Do you like someone?

Long story short, they are all fictional.

2. Do they like you back?

All fictional.

3. Middle name?


4. Relationship status?

Single as a fucking pringle.

5. Best female friend?


6. Best male friend?

Don't have one???

7. favorite otp?

Myself And the Percy Jackson series.... I mean..... Dean and Castiel???

8. Last person I texted?

My father who was telling me to get mu fucking permit already because he's tired of driving my fat ass to the book store.

9. Last song I listened to?

10. Battery percentage?


11. Lock and home screen?

 Lock and home screen?

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12. Why do I have Wattpad?

I like to write and read.... A lot.

13. Birth date?


14. Who do I tag?

Idk. I dont know very many people.
How about this, if you are reading this, you are tagged.

Shu's Love (Shu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now