Chapter 6

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The rest of the day went on as usual. No one had the time to stop for a moment and think about this morning’s grand announcement, given that everyone was focused on either the classes or training. However, when night time came around and everyone was getting ready for bed, most had found themselves unable to sleep. Too caught up in their thoughts.

“Hey Izu, are you still up?” a whisper came from the bed next to his.

“Yea, I'm up” There was a beat of silence before Izuku heard Nagisa’s reply.

“Tomorrow is the parents’ weekly visit”

Izuku turned around to face Nagisa. He can already feel the anxiety rolling off of his friend in waves.

“I don't know why I get my hopes up, but every week I wait for her to come and it shouldn't be a surprise anymore that she never shows up. I mean, she practically jumped at the chance to get rid of me, a quirkless son. Maybe if I were the daughter she always wished for it would have been different.”

“No it wouldn't, we’ve only met your mom once but I can tell. Your gender wouldn't have made a difference” Before Izuku could reply, Karma beat him to it. You're not helping Karma! Izuku glared at the bed on his other side.

“You shouldn't beat yourself up Nagisa. You are your own person, not a tool for your mother to hang her inferiority complex on. If she can’t accept the fact that you're quirkless then that’s her problem not yours, I see no reason for you to be sulking most of the time.

If appealing to her is really that important to you then grow some balls and fight back, prove to her that she’s wrong, that you are not the failure she makes you out to be. We were taught to fight back no matter what, weren't we? Karasuma-sensei and Korosensei would be disappointed in you.”

Halfway through his speech, Karma got out of his bed and was now glaring at Nagisa. Izuku kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish gasping for air, Everything Karma said was on point but the way he delivered it was a bit harsh in Izuku’s opinion and he couldn't think of anything to say to soften the blow.

They only met Nagisa’s mother once, It was on their first parents’ visit when they first arrived. Izuku didn't like the woman one bit.

“You're right, I'm sorry I've been acting like a cry baby.” He wiped his teary eyes and smiled at his two friends. “Thanks, I feel better now.”

“Finally, someone said it.” The bored monotonous tone belonging to Itona reminded them that they weren't alone, and their not so private conversation had grabbed the attention of some of their still awake classmates.

“Go to sleep shitheads, I can hear you all the way from across the room” and that was their cue to call it a day.

Izuku was sitting in the dormitory lounge, waiting for his mother's arrival. He looked at Nagisa who was sitting with his father across the room, he looked like a load has been taken off his shoulders, guess Karma’s speech served its purpose.

“Izuku!” before he knew it he was engulfed in his mother's warm embrace, he could see kirara chuckling at him from his peripheral vision but he just rolled his eyes at her and hugged his mother back. They used to tease him a lot about being his mama’s boy, but he couldn't care less.

“How are you? Are you okay? Have you been sleeping well? Actually, have you been eating well? You look thin, here, I brought you katsudon. Your favourite! How are your studies? Have you b-“

“Mom, I'm okay I promise! Yes, I've been eating, sleeping and studying well. And I missed you too. But mom, you won't believe it! We're going to U.A. isn't it amazing? I never thought I'd get the chance to even pass by its gates, but apparently the school president knows about us and he’s very interested in how we're going to turn out. He wants us to attend U.A. for the next 3 years! Can you imagine the public's reaction? Quirkless graduates from U.A.! Mo-“

“Izu you're overwhelmingly your poor mother” Nakamura, who was passing by, smacked him lightly on the head and then went back to the game console in her hand. When they were little, his rambling was much worse but over the years it has developed into mumbling his thoughts out loud every now and then, but he goes back to rambling whenever he gets too excited.

“Izuku, that’s amazing.” Inko said a bit breathless, her baby keeps moving on forward and she couldn't be prouder of him. Her chest feels like it's going to burst.

“I’m so proud of you, I...” and then she started crying.

After his mother left, he went to pack his bags. While packing he saw the AllMight figurine that he'd always carry around when he was little, he used to play heroes a lot too, with his best friend Kacchan. Izuku never forgot him no matter what transpired in his life. In fact, the recent events made him think of his childhood friend more often. He’s hoping to see him soon, even though they haven't seen each other in nearly 12 years, Izuku is sure Kacchan has passed the exam and gotten into U.A.’s hero course. He knows his explosive friend wouldn't accept anything less.

“Oi Izuku, Korosensei said we're leaving tonight.” Karma’s voice startled him, he quirked an eyebrow at him but didn't say anything other than “Be ready or we might leave you behind”

He can't wait to meet his friend and show him how strong he's become.

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