Chapter 9

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“Oi, old hag where are my fu-“ 11-year-old Katsuki halted when he saw his mother consoling a crying Inko Midoriya in their living room. He wasn't surprised though, it wouldn't be the first time Mitsuki found her a sobbing mess on their doorstep. Fortunately they weren't alerted to his presence yet, which gave him the opportunity to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Despite being polar opposites, the two were friends for as long as they could remember, each of them considered the other family and whenever they were having a rough time, they'd seek out the other to confide in. Like now.

“Oh Mitsuki, I m-miss him so much”

“I don't really know why you sent him to live with his relatives all the way across the world because you always refused to tell me and I'm not going to pry, but I'm sure it must have been something important to Izu. So be strong Inko, he would be heartbroken to see you like this” Mitsuki’s soft tone and gentle words felt foreign to the ears of the explosive blonde, and the urge to barge in there and ask who she was and what has she done to his real foulmouthed mother was too strong.

“You're right, I'm sorry for bothering you like this Mitsuki. You must have problems of your own as well” Inko said between sniffles, Mitsuki handed her some tissues which she gladly accepted and comically blew her nose so loud that Katsuki almost laughed out loud. Almost.

“As if that fucking stops your pretty ass from barging in here with a snotty nose!” Mitsuki said jokingly, attempting to cheer her lifetime friend up.

“Mitsu!” Inko half-heartedly chastised her for her language. “......was I really snotty?”

After Inko left, Katsuki decided to confront his mother.

“Why didn't you ask her where he is?” he barked at her.

“Hah? Ever heard of privacy you little shit?” gone was the soft, gentle Mitsuki from moments ago. That's more fucking like it, Katsuki thought to himself.

“Privacy? Says the one who fucking barges in on me when I'm having a goddamn bath to take a dump!”

“This and that are not the same thing you little snarky bastard! And don't worry, next time I'll just shit in your drawers, how would you like that?”

Katsuki was visibly shaking from anger. Fine! keep him in the dark. He doesn't care where the stupid nerd went. He doesn't care why Inko is suspiciously keeping it a secret. He doesn't care when he's going to come back. He doesn't care whether he's alright or being quarantined for a fucking deadly disease that makes your skin melt off your body like that zombie movie he saw yesterday night and deeply regretted watching it. He doesn't give a shit. Absolutely not.

He stormed to his room and slammed the door childishly, he’s been asking about Izuku Midoriya for the last 7 years, but obviously he was never getting any answers. He decided to stop.

True to his word, Katsuki did stop asking but the nerd was always at the back of his mind, never really forgotten. However, now that he's right in front of him, he wants to bombard him with those questions. Where were you? Why did you up and leave so suddenly? What freakish hero course are you from? How did you get so fucking strong like that? Who is that yellow slithery bastard who’s brushing Aizawa-sensei’s hair? What is that sleek black machine that everyone has been eyeing warily but didn't have the guts to ask about?

But he was a stubborn little shit and kept his mouth shut.

“Alright, that's all for today. You have the rest of the day to yourselves, do whatever” Aizawa-sensei said and went his way.

“um, excuse me but I've been wanting to ask this for a while now. What exactly is that?” a girl with short brown called Uraraka asked, pointing at Ritsu who was currently ‘asleep’.

“That is Ritsu, our classmate” Kayano answered her, giving no further explanation.

“That's...a machine” Todoroki chimed in. He reminded Izuku a lot of Itona, they both had the poker face, monotonous voice and the 'I really could care less' vibe going on.


“You're not going to elaborate, are you?”


Truth is, they can't tell them more even if they wanted to, they were sworn to secrecy after all. Ritsu was essentially assigned to monitor them and their improvements, and to also monitor Korosensei should he do anything suspicious. He was a villian after all. But with some tweaks here and there she became more friendly and less of an annoying watch dog, the rest is history.

They all dispersed and each went his separate way, except for the ones from class E.

“Kacchan! You going home?” Izuku cheerfully approached him.

“Where else would I go nerd”

“Oh, I wanted to catch up with you for a's been so long” Izuku’s face fell for a moment before smiling at him again.

“Tch, well you're going home too aren't you? We fucking live next to each other dimwit it's not like we're not walking home together”

“About that...” Izuku shuffled his feet and a nervously looked around.

“Spit it”

“.....We're supposed to be-“ Izuku went to tell him that they'll be staying in the school dorms but Irina-sensei cut him off.

“Oh Izuku you're going home already? Say hi to your mother for me. She's such a sweet lady!”

“Really?” Izuku looked at her wide eyed and hopeful.

“Yea, you can go home” Izuku heard her silent statement loud and clear, they all did. ‘no more dorms for any of you’.

Katsuki stayed silent and studied them carefully, ever the perceptive one, he never missed that she used the word ‘can’. A new question popping in mind. He needs permission to go home? What the fuck Deku?

Unbeknownst to him though, he was also being watched by Karasuma-sensei and Korosensei.

"This kid is smart, he could be problematic later on" Karasuma-sensei said in a low tone so only Korosensei heard him.

"Indeed he is, I'm going to have fun teaching him though, so much potential." Korosensei was nodding to himself as if agreeing to his own words. Karasuma couldn't argue with that point.


Their walk home was mostly silent which was...strange, not awkward or uncomfortable. Just strange. Although when they neared their houses Katsuki spoke up.

“There's something you're not telling me Deku, and I know for damn sure you weren't staying with your ‘relatives’ who were never in the picture and popped out of fucking no where but I'm not gonna ask ‘cause I have the feeling you wouldn't squeak a word”

“I’m not going to deny, Kacchan. As much as I want to tell you everything....I can’t right now”

Katsuki was silent for a beat and Izuku was worried he might have upset the taller teen.

“Then tell me when you can. And once you do, no more fucking secrets.”

“Okay, I promise!” Izuku beamed at him, he was so glad that he was understanding and didn't press further as he thought he would. He changed, he thought to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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