Chapter 3

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My son can become a hero

My son can become a hero

My son can become a hero

She repeated the words she thought were impossible just an hour ago like a silent mantra in her head.

Inko has always been a cry baby and Izuku definitely got it from her.

That night she cried harder than she did when Hisashi proposed to her, or when she found out she was pregnant with her Izuku, or when Hisashi left her with a child to care for all by herself.

Not even the government agent in front of her, who was trained to deal with the most gruesome death situations you could imagine, knew how to deal with her in this state.

So he did what he knew best, remained stoic.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a mess" Inko said between sniffles.

"It's fine, I understand what you and Izuku must've been through"

He watched as she tried to compose herself, the woman reminded him of someone but he just couldn't put his finger on who it was.

"Please carry on, I'm okay now"

"Right, while it may seem like a very tempting offer, it still has some disadvantages. This 'project' is top secret and because of that Izuku will be taken to a faraway location, secluded from the city and will live in a dormitory along with all the other students. The government is not forcing you to do anything, whether you approve or not is up to you, but either way you'll be sworn to secrecy"

Inko didn't know what to think of that. She was delighted for her son, but having him away from her reach was unimaginable, and he was only four years old!

"Will he be allowed visits?"

"I'm sorry, it's too risky. However he is allowed to write you weekly, our agents will deliver the letters themselves"

"So, what you're telling me is that i won't see my baby again until he graduates? Is that what you're saying?" Inko almost sobbed at the thought.

"I know it's extreme. If it makes you feel any better, I'm negotiating with my superiors on that matter, and I'm working on reaching an agreement that will benefit both sides"

"If I....if I approve of this, when will he be taken?"

"Tomorrow morning"

She drew a sharp breath at that. She didn't know what do.

"Can i be....a hero too?"

The scene from yesterday's events popped in her mind, and then everything was clear again.

"I understand if you don't wa-"

"Okay" she interrupted him. "Okay, i agree. If it means my son will achieve his dreams then I'm..." she started sobbing, who was she kidding! She'll never be okay with that decision.

Karasuma studied her carefully and at that moment he knew who Inko reminded him of....

His own mother.

After agent Karasuma left, she spent the whole night packing Izuku's bags. She didn't sleep a wink, couldn't.

It was six in the morning when her little bundle of joy came into her room, his All Might action figure in one hand while he rubbed his eye with the other.

"Mama, why are you packing?" He asked once he laid eyes on the bags.

Inko sat on the edge of the bed and opened her arms wide, Izuku jumped right into them.

"Tell me Izuku, do you still want to be a hero?" She felt him stiffen in her hold, she pecked his temple.

"I do" he whispered.

"Then you will"

He stepped back to look at her in surprise, his eyes were as wide as saucers.

Inko kissed his temple again before telling him of the events that occurred while he was asleep.

When she was done explaining, both Inko and Izuku were in tears, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree they say.

"But mom, I won't be able to see you again? I don't want that! I'll find another way to be a hero! I don-"

"Honey, I don't want to be away from you as well, but I want what's best for you, always will. And besides, Karasuma did say that he was negotiating with his superiors, and there's a chance they're going to reach an agreement" she tried to assure him, and herself as well.

"But what if they don't!" He was getting frustrated now.

"But what if they do?" She replied calmly.

Izuku didn't know what to say anymore, he didn't want this.

But at the same time he did.

So he just hugged his mother tightly, hoping that she was right.

"When are they coming?" He asked after a while.

"In a couple of hours"

He hugged her tighter, he can't even say goodbye to Kacchan.

"Promise you'll be brave for me?"

"Yes, I promise"

Easier said than done, both Izuku and Inko were sobbing when the car came to pick him up.

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