Chapter 5

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Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat.

Rule number one: It's essential to calm yourself and hide your presence, otherwise your target will feel alarmed and won't let down his guard, he could even pin point your location if he's a powerful foe.

His trained eyes search the vicinity for any other threats before setting them back on his target's back, surprisingly he finds none. So he chose to hunt us down alone? He thought to himself. No that's not like him, he has something up his sleeve, something that requires him to expose his location an-

Of course!

"Gender, do you see him?" He talked into the walkie-talkie.

''Yes, don't engage though. something's fishy'' So he caught on as well, that's good.

''I know, I think he's planning an ambush. Why else would he be out there al-'' I didn't get to finish that thought as a knife came from behind me slashing my throat, while the other muffled my mouth. and the assassin disappeared just as fast as his attack. I died? but I'm hidden on top of a tree! It's impossible for anyone to sneak up on me without making any sound, I thought it was an ideal spot! that being said, if Motor Mouth is the one down there, then how did Director Mushroom find him? better yet, how did he manage to assassin him so perfectly? he wasn't that skilled at all. Unless...

''Oh you better watch out Gender, you're in big trouble.'' he mumbled to himself as he headed back.

''Semi-senioritis, what happened?'' Gender waited for a reply but there was none, he most likely got killed, meaning his walkie-talkie got disconnected. Gender focused back on the green-head in front of him. If he wasn't planning an ambush by luring us out, then was he planning on acting as distraction while his companion hunts us down? But when did Director Mushroom become so good that he took down Semi-senioritis by himself? We were all baffled when Motor Mouth picked him as his partner but did he see something in him that we didn't? He truly never ceases to surprise me. If they're that good, then hiding between bushes won't do him any good. He's just making an easy prey out of himself. So he decided to go for the kill. He quietly moved out of the bushes, knife in hand. The moment he was out his prey dropped his hood.

Motor Mouth wasn't a ginger-head.

''Found you'' After hearing those dreadful words, Gender felt the sting of paintball bullets .

''Come on Karma, cheer up! Are you still angry that you lost?'' Izuku tried to cheer his friend up. but he wouldn't even look at him.

''I'm not angry that I lost you Idiot, I'm pissed that I didn't even get the chance to fight back.''

''But had you fought back we would have definitely lost! so I had to take you down fast, you're intelligence was a threat too, I was so worried that you might figure out my plan and tell Nagisa'' Karma felt just a little bit better hearing those words from Izuku, he was glad the greenette took him seriously and considered him a force to be reckoned with.

''Why did you pick Koki though? You could've picked someone more, skilled i guess?'' Nagisa chimed in, he whispered the last sentence so no one would hear him. Koki was his classmate and they all shared a strong bond, just like family. So he didn't want him to feel offended, that wasn't Nagisa's intentions, he was just genuinely curious.

''Koki has the same height as me, and our build is slightly similar. Had I chosen any one slightly shorter or taller than me if by only one inch, you two would have noticed. You have very sharp eyes.'' He replied with a blinding smile.

''This kid is scary, he devised a plan minutes after you announced the day's activity. Not only that, he tricked his enemy into subconsciously letting their guards down by choosing an average-skilled partner. He took down the most threatening one of the other team not based on physical abilities, because there is no comparison between Nagisa and Karma, one is a pure assassin while the other excels in martial arts. But based on the other's analytical skills which in that case would definitely pose as a threat. That move manipulated Nagisa into thinking that Izuku already knew their positions, luring him out and taking him down as well. When in actuality Izuku only knew of Karma's location because he has been tailing him from the start, perfectly masking his presence. This kid is too frightening it's such a shame that he was born quirkless'' Irina who had been standing right outside along with Karasuma, said in what seemed to be a fond tone. They didn't mean to eavesdrop, they were about to head inside when they heard the conversation between those three.

''I agree, but those other two are not to be taken lightly as well. Those three are beasts, Imagine them working together.'' Karasuma replied back, he was proud of his class, they all came a long way. But those three were naturals. Karma was the top of the class academic and skill wise, he wasn't much of an assassin though, he reminded him more of himself. A soldier. Nagisa wasn't the brightest when it came to his studies but he was truly a 'pure assassin' as Irina put it, it was as if he was born for that sole purpose and it scared Karasuma at times. Izuku on the other hand excelled in his academics much like Karma, he also excelled in both martial arts and assassination, he was a natural like Nagisa who he got along with and they teamed up a lot. which was a shocker when he didn't choose him for yesterday's training.

''I think it's time, don't you? they are more than ready.'' Karasuma felt the familiar gust of wind which signaled Korosensei's arrival before he heard him speak.

''Where were you this time?'' Irina wasn't impressed anymore at this point, she got used to the surprise appearances.

''In Turkey getting some Baklava"

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