Open your eyes for God's sake

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Prompt: person A: nobody loves me / person B: ...are you sure? / person A: yes, i am- / person B, while pointing at herself:  ARE YOU REALLY SURE


Toni had thought it was going to be a normal day.

But then again when has Riverdale ever been normal?

So it was lunchtime, it was the normal gang all hanging out in their usual spots in the rec room.

Minus Cheryl.

She was late. And Toni was surprised. Cheryl was never late to lunch.

Naturally she had the most dramatic entrance ever.

"Do you ever just feel painfully single?" Cheryl asked, sauntering into the room and sitting down next to Toni on the sofa.

Everyone just looked at her.

"Considering practically everyone here but you, Sweets and T are single... I'm gonna say wrong crowd." Veronica drawled with an amused smile.

Cheryl rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.

"Come on, you must remember what it was like to feel awfully single." Cheryl insisted. The couple glanced at each other before turning back to Cheryl and shrugging.

"Not really." Jughead said slowly. Cheryl huffed and folded her arms. She leaned back on the sofa, her shoulder brushing against Toni's before settling into her side.

Not that Toni noticed.


Nor did she notice the way Cheryl's bottom lip stuck out as she sulked, or the way her foot tapped on the floor every few seconds.

She most definitely didn't feel her heart skip a beat when Cheryl rested her head on Toni's shoulder.

"Don't you get it TT?" Cheryl muttered, glancing up at Toni before looking back down at her shoes.

Toni cleared her throat, rubbing her palms over her jeans and considering her reply.

"I mean... I guess? But uh, not exactly." Toni replied sheepishly.

Truth be told, she was too busy pining after Cheryl to notice the fact she was single.

Toni felt Cheryl sigh and almost swallowed her tongue when Cheryl moved Toni's arm around her shoulders and snuggled closer.

"Well that sucks." Cheryl mumbled.

Toni was practically frozen, Cheryl had never, ever been this affectionate in front of the group. Sure when they had their sleepovers and meet ups at Thistle House they were practically all over each other.

Just not exactly in the full sense that Toni wanted.

So no, not a normal day.


It got even less normal when the gang convinced Toni and Cheryl to cancel their study date and hang out at Pop's while the sun was still shining and the weather warm.

Not only was Toni peeved that she didn't get her usual alone time with Cheryl, but Cheryl was still stuck about being single.

"Bombshell, are you seriously that bummed out about being single?" Toni said with a light laugh. Cheryl just sighed and nodded.

"I just like having someone there for me." Cheryl mumbled.

I'm always there for you was on the tip of Toni's tongue before FP put their milkshakes on the table.

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