Queen of the Serpents

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Prompt: Sequel to That's My Jacket from @Paolapotter on AO3


Toni had finally got that dumb female serpent initiation banned.

Fuck tradition it was awful. And broke Toni's feminist heart.

It was nice seeing all the new female serpents doing an actual initiation ceremony like the boys. Well it wasn't nice, no one wants to be bitten by a snake or have the shit beat out of them, but it was equal.

Toni wasn't really expecting to actually want the stupid dance back. But oh god she did now.


See this whole thing started about a month ago, that day when Cheryl wore her Serpent jacket to school.

While Toni had melted into a small puddle of want, Cheryl had loved every second of it.

The way the jacket made her feel powerful (not just over Toni either), made her feel like she had a place for once in her life.

It was liberating.

Cheryl had loved every second, every look, every whisper. All of it.

Yes it fed her ego but also gave her a glimpse of what having a real family felt like.

It led her to stop by Pop's a few days later.

"FP." Cheryl said, sliding into a seat at the counter.

"Cheryl." He said cautiously. "How can I help you?"

"I want to know about the Serpents." She said. FP raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

"Why do you wanna know about the Serpents?" FP asked. Cheryl narrowed her eyes at him.

"I want to be one."

FP blinked at her blankly before bursting out laughing.

"You wanna what?" He asked, sobering up at Cheryl's blunt look.

"I want to be a Serpent." Cheryl said determinedly.

"Yeah... I don't think you could handle it." FP snorted. Cheryl's hands grabbed him by the straps of his apron and pulled him over the counter.

"I have burned down houses, cut off my own mothers air supply and have been taught so many self defence moves I could make you hurt in places you didn't even know. I think I can handle a little bruising from your wannabe gangsters." Cheryl snarled.

FP's eyes were wide as he gulped before nodding.

"Drop by the Wyrm whenever you're ready. I'll give you the rundown." FP said, clearing his throat when Cheryl let go of him.

"Thanks FP." Cheryl said with a grin before strutting out of Pop's.

FP leaned against the counter and shook his head.

This was gonna be interesting.


A week later Cheryl rocked up to the Wyrm to see FP after his shift.

She walked in and saw her girlfriend behind the bar, quickly deciding a minor detour wouldn't hurt.

"Hey TT." Cheryl said leaning on the bar. Toni looked up in surprise.

"Hey babe," Toni replied with a grin, "I thought you were coming by mine later?" Cheryl nodded, leaning over and kissing Toni slowly.

"I am. I just need to talk to FP first." Cheryl said once they broke apart. Toni frowned and went to ask when FP called Cheryl from his office door.

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