That's my jacket

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A/N: This is my new fandom. I'm in love with Choni as much as I am Camren. But I should be posting some more prompt based one shots here for my favourite Riverdale couple.

Can't believe these two are the reason I started watching it again... smh.

For real though, any prompts don't hesitate to comment them here on AO3 or hmu on Tumblr @alexdoeswriting


Now, there was several things that everyone knew about the Southside Serpents:

They were slightly more rebellious and greaser like than the preppy kids of Northside.

They were not to be messed with. At all.

Cheryl Blossom hated them. With a fiery passion almost as powerful as her hair colour. Only almost since she had a friendship with Toni Topaz through the River Vixens.

The transfer to Northside High had been rough... and still was.

So yes these were the things everyone knew about the Serpents under Jughead's command. And there was one thing that not even the Bulldogs tried to challenge.

And that was their jackets.

Their skins. Their identity to the gang.

No one dared touch them. Not even jokingly hiding it after football practice, or cheer practice.

It was an unspoken rule that only Southside Serpents would bare the cracked leather jackets.


Cheryl was pissed off.

She'd been staying with Toni for a while now. Finally leaving Thorn Hill and her god awful mother behind.

It had been a shame to leave Nana Rose but she visited whenever her mother wasn't around.

Anyway, Toni's trailer was not exactly what she was used to but the company made it so much better.

The sex was pretty good also.

Did she not mention she was dating Toni? Moving in with her girlfriend after like a month... fast moving yet necessary. It was either Toni or Veronica and Cheryl refused to live under the same roof as one Lodge, let alone the entire family.

But yes, she was living with Toni now. It was honestly perfect. They'd nailed their routine in getting to school on time (with an exception every other week or so), but also managed to arrive through different methods.

"Come on Bombshell, it's just a bike."

"I am not risking all this, for some dumb metal death trap with only two wheels."

Veronica did have Smithers drive out of their way to pick Cheryl up each morning, Cheryl could at least handle a half hour or so in the same car as her.

I mean, Cheryl is 60% sure that the majority of the school knows their dating. Maybe. It's not like they announced it, or make a big show out of always making out. Cheryl has lipstick to preserve after all.

BUT, Cheryl was pissed. Toni managed to rip her jacket last night, bright red and too in the way for Toni to wait for Cheryl to take it off before jumping her.

Cheryl was definitely not complaining at the time. But that time has passed. And now she's on a warpath. Toni was in the shower and Cheryl was waiting, sitting on the end of the bed; back straight, legs crossed and arms folded, her foot tapping impatiently.

She needed a jacket. And her favourite one was ripped.

There was the usual honk of a car horn outside and Cheryl sighed deeply.

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