Falling for a Blossom

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A/N: Writer's block and stress have been kicking my ass recently. But who knows, maybe I'll start writing more now :)


Prompt: Jogging down the street, saw a woman in a polo-shirt and tight jeans. All I needed to get distracted and run into the one fucking floor lamp in the block.


All Toni had wanted to do was go for a jog.

Just a casual morning jog.

She'd been feeling overly energetic that morning so she figured it'd be a good way to blow off steam.

In fact, she'd pulled on her shorts, her tank top and even remembered to tuck her phone in her waistband.

With her earphones plugged in and blasting Taylor Swift's Reputation, Toni was more than ready to actually fulfill her desires of a morning jog.

And it had been going great.

Perfect even.

The rhythmic thud of her feet echoing over T. Swift's voice, the fairly empty streets of Southside slowly blending into busier suburbs of Northside Riverdale.

It was all exactly what Toni needed with all the Serpent stress in her life.

Of course Toni's mind was kind of numbing down to the point where her feet were on autopilot and her eyes just kind of drifted from object to object as she ran along.

She dodged past Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper with a small smile before shaking her head and turning the corner.

All it took was that corner to ruin her perfect running experience... or improve, depending on how you looked at the situation.

The situation at hand was a girl. A girl with perfectly bouncy red curls, iconic curls really. Of course the tight polo shirt girl in question was wearing definitely caught Toni's eye, as did the jeans because god damn this gorgeous girl had a great ass, with even more toned legs.

All of this took Toni promptly five seconds to notice.

Five seconds was also the same time it took Toni to veer slightly off course.

Right on course to have her feet trip over the only god damn floor lamp on the entire street.

Toni's eyes widened as she sprawled over the lamp, scraping her hand as she landed with a groan.

"Fuck." She mumbled, rolling onto her back and pressing the heel of her palm into her eyes as she shook her head. "I'm an idiot."

"More like easily distracted."

Toni's eyes shot open and she rolled her eyes.

"Shut it Andrews." Toni grumbled, taking the offered hand from Riverdale's star football player.

Toni brushed herself off and glared at the scrape on the side of her arm.

"Damn it." Toni huffed as it started to drip blood down her forearm.

"Woah that looks rough." Betty exclaimed, reaching out to clutch at Toni's arm and peer at it.

"I've had worse." Toni brushed off as Betty released her arm with a raised eyebrow. "Side effects of being in a gang." She explained quietly.

"Archie, dear cousin, Serpent, why are you loitering in my way?"

The three of them spun around to see Cheryl Blossom staring them down with a perfectly kinked eyebrow peeking out from behind her sunglasses.

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