Interrupted by the Scooby Gang

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Prompt: Oblivious friends interrupting flirty Choni moments from @iFlipForRizzles on AO3


Cheryl was not well known for being charming.

Well, that's a lie.

She was known to be charming in a Blossom way.

But no one knew that wasn't her only form of charm.

The flirty side of Cheryl wasn't seen often. Most assumed that much like her mother she was loveless.

Toni Topaz on the other hand, well she saw the fire in Cheryl's soul. The love that just needed to be seen for it to be released.

But Cheryl was... fragile to put it politely. She wasn't one to be pushed around, gently nudged in the right direction sure, but not shoved.

So Toni got to nudging. It was just a little flirting to bring Cheryl out of her shell.

Nothing could possibly go wrong.

Her gaydar had been correct after Cheryl had come out to her at Pop's so the only major thing was Cheryl rejecting her. But Toni wasn't blind; she'd seen Cheryl checking her out a few times.

Nothing wrong with a touch of flirting.

However, Toni didn't factor in the Scooby gang.


Toni was mid shift at the Whyte Wyrm when a few Northsiders came in; Cheryl, Archie, Veronica and Betty all strolling in, meeting Jughead at the bar.

"Hey guys, Bombshell, what's up?" Toni asked, scrubbing down the bar in a pretence of working. It was a fairly quiet night so far, Toni was bored.

"Just wanted a change from Pop's." Betty replied with a smile.

"I didn't know you worked here." Cheryl said, tilting her head at Toni. Toni raised her eyebrow and smirked.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." Toni replied. Cheryl leaned forward on the bar, tapping her nails on the scuffed, old wood.

"Maybe I want to." Cheryl said quietly. Toni paused in her cleaning, watching Cheryl curiously.

"Well what'cha wanna know. I'm an open book for you Cheryl." Toni said dramatically, resting her palms on the bar.

"Trying to sweet talk me TT?" Cheryl shot back with a smirk. Toni rolled her eyes and laughed under her breath.

"Depends." Toni replied. Cheryl raised her eyebrow.

"On?" She asked impatiently.

"Is it working?" Toni asked, a cheeky sparkle in her eyes.

"Hey guys you wanna game of pool?" Archie said.

And just like that, the tension that had been building was gone. Cheryl's playful smile had been schooled into a more neutral expression and Toni was silently cursing the stupid red headed football player.

"Working Arch." Toni sighed, hanging her head slightly in defeat.

"I'd rather not embarrass you in front of your girl Andrews." Cheryl said breezily. "Another time perhaps."


A similar thing happened again; friends with impeccably bad timing.

Cheryl and Toni had been sitting on the sofa in the rec room, just talking when Toni accidentally said something flirty.

"You flirting with me TT?" Cheryl asked amusedly. Toni rolled her eyes and leaned her head on the back of the sofa.

"Me? Pssh never. A hot girl like you? Not even my type." Toni replied dryly. "Why? Is it a problem if I do?"

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