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A/N: Honest to god this is the first time I've written a baby anything fic. But I figured I'd give it a shot :)

This would've been up sooner but ya girl was too busy at Dua Lipa's concert :P


Prompt: Baby Choni first night home from @Malu on AO3


Toni was still in a vague state of happy shock.

She'd just driven her fiancee home, their adorable baby boy cradled oh so gently in Cheryl's arms.

Riverdale had finally calmed down since psycho mothers and uncles had been forced out. Nothing like being a high ranking Serpent to put some pressure on a couple psychotic Blossom's.

Thistle House is finally theirs. Nana Rose may live there but she doesn't bother them. She loves them.

Honestly she's probably vibrating in her wheelchair at the anticipation of seeing her grandson for the first time.

Toni quickly hopped out of the car, opening Cheryl's door for her and grabbing her bag out the trunk.

She met Cheryl at the front door and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, sighing quietly against plush lips.

Toni smiled at the bundle in Cheryl's arms and turned to unlock the front door.

Cheryl stepped in first, carefully cooing over their son and muttering under her breath as he blinked up at her.

"Welcome home JJ. I know it's not the mansion I had but it's just as good." Cheryl said with a smile. Toni let the bag drop to the floor and stood at Cheryl's side, hand on her lower back, head resting against her shoulder.

"Don't go making our son think Thornhill was better than this place. You're the one who went Carrie and burned it down babe." Toni teased, squeezing Cheryl's hip and kissing her neck gently.

"That was years ago." Cheryl rolled her eyes and slowly walked towards the living room. "Besides teenage Cheryl was not stable."

"Maybe not but she still stole my heart." Toni said with a grin. Cheryl turned to face her and cupped her cheek.

"Still so cheesy Topaz." Cheryl sighed lovingly. Toni turned her head and pressed her lips to Cheryl's palm

"Topaz-Blossom soon." Toni whispered. Cheryl closed her eyes, her teeth biting her bottom lip to stop from grinning too wide. Toni kissed the corner of her mouth and nodded to the living room. "Come on, Nana Rose is waiting."


Toni woke up to a smack on her arm.

"Babe, stop it." Toni muttered, burrowing deeper into her pillow.

"Toni get your ass out of this bed this instant." Cheryl said sharply. Toni sat up instantly, flashes of River Vixen's practice running through her mind.

"Bombshell?" Toni asked, rubbing her eyes.

"It's your turn." Cheryl sighed, collapsing onto the bed with a groan. Toni sighed, brushing Cheryl's hair off her shoulder and pressing soft lips on smooth skin.

"Of course baby. I'll be right back." Toni murmured, Cheryl already half asleep.

Toni yawned and padded over to the other side of the room where JJ was crying quietly. She easily cradled him in her arms, swaying slowly to calm him down, listening as his cries tapered off.

He looked so much like a Blossom it hurt. Toni may not have been North Side's biggest fan when Jason died but Cheryl had shown her photos of the Blossom twins childhood. JJ was the spitting image of Jason when he was a baby.

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