Lets play

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I was left alone near the sick tree the idiot had left with the information that I had to play his game to leave, the rule was I followed the map to where the game begins. I don't want to play his game if I'm being honest, I just want to go home. My family will be worried sick with me being in a coma of all things. He thinks he's so smart and funny he's not he's just wasting time. I mean I don't really want to kiss him but if that's the only way to get me out of this mad world than so be it, it could be worst he could be ugly...

I walk away from the tree taking his stupid path he told me to follow why I'm playing his game surely; I could trick the trickster into playing my game. It couldn't be that hard right? It probably is there no point in trying I might else well follow the path to doom. The bendy, rock covered path hurts my bare feet hospital should provide socks for us. My body starts to ache from the heat of the island I stop to take a breather I really need to work on my magic I could be cooling down using right now. I rub the sweat from eyes, making my vision clear once again before making my way through the path again. The smell of greenery hits my nose I breath in the freshness of the green leaves. A maze stands in front of me the different shades of green welcome me in.

The walls of hedges shield me from the view of the trickster I feel at ease. The hedges provided me with a shield as well as a cooling me down from the heat. The sweat no longer dripped into my eyes making me see clearly, I looked at the maze my eyes lighting up with an idea. I could trick the trickster using this. I had to use magic, but I can't use it... maybe if I use dream magic it is a dream you can do anything in a dream: right? "Piper your supposed to follow my path it was the one rule I have you why are being difficult." The whining voice of Pan broke through the hot air. I rolled my eyes I wasn't going to play his game anymore he was going to play mine. I shut my eyes; I pictured the maze opening its vines of leaves stumbling out in search of our prey. They tangled round the victim's legs dragging him into the maze of Piper revenge.

The maze dragged him to the entrance to my plans.

"Clever girl, Piper you are nothing like your family you are more interesting. Pan thought I was just like Emma Swan; in many ways I was but in others I was a lot like my father. Pan thought I was strong willed, smart and pretty but he also saw me for the darkness I was all those things, but I was more I was lonely and empty. I couldn't use my magic like my mum I couldn't be loved like my father and I can't make my family proud like Henry.
"Peter, Peter Pan follow my voice and you will find my lip awaiting your kiss. My voice echoed from all directions of the maze, my voice sounded far away as well as close, I confused him he was getting frustrated. My voice whispered in his ear making him spin round in search of me. He spun round and round listening to the voice listening for a way to follow.

The maze opened a small doorway for him to crawl through, the tight fit made the vines of the hedges tug and pull on his clothing ripping them open showing off his pale skin. The ground soaked his trouser as he crawled his way through the doorway, the mud-covered ground was wet and squelchy under his feet. He trudges his way through the mud that thicken and rose up every step he took. The mud rose and rose till it reached his shoulders making the walk harder and harder for him to reach the end. He pushed his way through the mud soaking his clothes and body, his green eyes were filled with anger yet entertainment. The mud swirled round and round sucking him into the ground his body was sticky with mud, but he fought and fought for a way to escape the mud quicksand.

His body lady harshly on a pillow of giant feathers that soon stuck to his body, I laughed at him through the glass ball I will admit he still looked good, feather and mud couldn't even cover up that fine body of his or the cute face. What I'm I am saying; he is the enemy I can't think he's cute. Thought this is fun him playing my game and being covered in feather what could make this worst, I know a giant bird.

"Piper I will find you and when I do, you'll regret doing this, but you won't regret the kiss we will share." He attempted to wipe off the feather and mud with his hands. I smirk he couldn't see it, but it was there I may regret doing this when he gets me back but for now its revenge for the crap he did to my family. It feels good in a way maybe I so have a dark side, or I am defiantly crazy. The sound of cock-a-doodle-do rang in the air, the red and brown feathers of a Cockrill flew up in the air as the ground bounced with the heavy footsteps of the bird. Green eyes widen in pure shock of the bird approaching him. "PIPER!" The bird looked at him his voice dying down as the giant Cockrill walked towards him the bucking sound of the chicken made Pan take a step back. The ground bounced and bounced like a trampoline, pans light weight body flew in the air each time the ground bounced covering him in more feathers.

COCK-A-DOODLE-DO! The bird squawked; the orange eye of the bird zoomed in onto the boy in front. The Cockrill brought his head down to inspect Pan, COCK-A-DOODEL-DO! He squawked in his face sending feather up in the air, Pans body scraped across the floor from the power of the bird's squawk. The air circled round causing a mini feather- tornado the air picked up feather including a boy covered in them. the air spiralled and spiralled picking up pieces here and there till finally it stopped dropping all it picked up in pink, dyed water.

The splash and the cry of Pan was funny enough for me to end the game and come out of my hiding place. "How did I do for my first game?" I laughed out.

"I have to admit it was fun, I am annoyed though at you we were supposed to play my game." He whined out the colour of pink stuck to his skin and hair making him look like pink candy floss. The thought alone made me hungry, I shake my head of the thoughts it's like picturing eating Peter that is weird and gross. "You alright there?" He took a step closer his arms in the air slowly removing his top, I watched bewitched at his hotness. What I am thinking again stop Piper you need to stop. "Piper." I looked up to he was closer than before did I zone out and let him get closer? Did I want that? Oh god no... stop now! I hold my hands up to stop. "Piper you are in trouble you wasted time in getting out of your coma." He tutted at me. He was the one who wanted to play no me! He's driving me mad. Oomph.

I open my eyes to be met with green ones, his warm topless body lay above mine, what happen how we end up in this position?

"Get off me." I push on his well divine chest. Wow its smooth. Oh, for god shake Piper stop! I slap my face.
"No, I'm quite comfy here for now." He winked clearly amused by my blushing.

I look up at him my eyes meeting his he was cute in a way I can't help but wonder if he was telling the truth about being destined to be together it seemed it. It could just be hormones I am a teen girl after all. His pink lips sat in a smile while he looked me over it was like we were trapped in a film waiting for the next scene. The next scene oh no, it's the kiss scene what am I going to do I haven't kiss anyone before. My breath picks up in my panic state. He's going to be very disappointed in this kiss. I try to push him away again in attempt to breath and get over this flush feeling, but I make it worst and he falls on me his lips brush mine ever so slightly. My eyes wide at the shock. What did I do was this my first kiss: no, it can't be it wasn't an actual kiss? I couldn't finish my thought as I felt his warm, soft lip mould into mine. The kiss was soft and smooth it was like we were made for each cliché I know but it wasn't like anything I thought it'd it be like. It was nice.

(once upon time) Pipers love for Peter PanWhere stories live. Discover now